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Technosound Turbo II
Technosound Turbo II
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Description: This stereo sound sampler attaches to the parallel port of the Amiga and requires no additional power supply. Maximum sampling rate is 50.669 Hz (machine spec may not allow this) and it can be set to record direct to HD.
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Filesize: 290.66kB
Height: 768 Width: 1024
Posted by: X-ray at June 12, 2009, 10:21:41 PM

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Comments (3)

March 27, 2006, 08:57:33 AM
Wow, this takes me back to Christmas day, many moons ago!

I recall spending all morning sampling bits and pieces from the radio, then playing around with them in Octamed... pausing only to wolf down my roast turkey and sprouts!

Great memories, thanks for the pic!
December 06, 2005, 04:30:47 PM
Ja, it's a typo - the maximum frequency of the Technosound Turbo II is 98kHz.
December 06, 2005, 12:37:52 PM
50Hz? Thats gotta be a typo....

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