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home music studio centred around an A2500
home music studio centred around an A2500
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Description: A2500 rev. 4.4, 68040, ECS, 2MB CHIP, 34MB FAST, Scan doubler, Picasso II+, Repulse Audio card, MIDI interface, CD-burner.  

Running Bars & Pipes, Dr. T's KCS, SoundFX, Samplitude, PageStream.

Synced through B&P to external gear: Yamaha MD-8 multitracker.  Synths: Yamaha TX81z, Juno-106, Roland Soundcanvas SC-155.  Various effects modules, compressor, etc.

Have had a lot of fun with this setup over the years.  Produced some quality work, and had some frustrations.  Very comfortable with it and hope to use it for many more years!
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Posted by: Ral-Clan at November 13, 2006, 10:35:20 PM

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Comments (11)

May 18, 2008, 12:05:11 PM
Ummm...have you tried the patchmeister?  That is a blue ribbon product that can be downloaded from Alfred Faust's website.

If not, then try MIDI-QUEST (or MIDIQuest).

Also, there is a free program on www.youngmonkey.ca called MIDI System Explorer.  You can write your own drivers for it.

May 18, 2008, 06:26:10 AM
nice to see this picture.. I am in the process to use an A2500 for the same purpose. (it's either the Amiga or a Blue/White Mac).

Are there any programs outhere to facilitate the creation of patches for either a Roland JV1080 or Korg X5?

In my case I will be using the Sunrize audio card, and Bar and Pipes, along with a midi interface, most likely sound recorded on a PC (have to figure that part out - for the early stage just out of synths to mixer to PC
December 01, 2006, 02:56:09 PM
Thanks!  My music is not very mainstream, so sometimes I do not know what people will think of it.  I tend to classify my poppier stuff as "dweeb-bop" because I like a lot of corny sounding synths and old organs.
November 30, 2006, 11:21:35 PM
The Right Direction - very good song  :-)
November 15, 2006, 02:28:33 AM
Actually it's not a heck of a lot of equipment for people who are into home recording.  The funny thing is, now-a-days, a laptop running Pro-Tools could do the job of all this equipment and more.  That's okay, because I love working with real equipment, clicking patch-cords and turning real physical knobs.

Probably same bug that makes me want to use older computers like the Amiga.

As for the music I do, it's a real variety:

Celtic stuff (I play the Irish flute).

Poppier stuff (lots of B&P controlled keyboards & even one OctaMED song).

Historic 19th century music.

The giant box to the right of the Amiga is an external SCSI enclosure which holds a 2GB hard drive just for dumping audio to, and a CD-burner.
November 15, 2006, 12:46:57 AM
Thats a heck of a lot of equipment. What kind of music do you produce with all that?

What's that giant box next to the trackball?
November 14, 2006, 10:58:00 PM

Very nice setup!
November 14, 2006, 05:56:51 PM
Yeah, I bought one of the first Repulse cards (non gold plated edge connector).  I even wrote a review which is on Aminet.  Good card.  It cost me way too much, but it's served me well and I've gotten a lot of use out of it (and hope to continue to do so)!
November 14, 2006, 05:40:08 PM
Repulse souncard is a rare card!
November 14, 2006, 02:48:25 AM
Yeah the Yamaha MD-8 is a great little multi-tracker.  Was one of the best for its time (ca. 1998).  Has been surpassed in features by later units but still does an impressive job.  Has real knobs for every feature, which is a nice throwback to analogue days.  Sound quality is excellent in spite of the bad rap the very first (1991) generation of minidisc got.  This unit sounds very nice.  It has a few quirks but it's done good work for me (same with the Amiga of course).

The only thing about the MD-8 is that it cannot slave to Midi Clock/MTC.  It must be the master in the chain.  Therefore B&P in the Amiga must follow the sync signal sent by the MD-8 and not the other way around.  I'm not sure if it would be more convenient for B&P to be the master (probably slightly). On ocassion I've had problems getting the Amiga & MD8 to "see" each other's sync signals, but most of the time it works like a charm.
November 13, 2006, 11:57:33 PM

My brother has that same Yamaha MD-8 multitracker. He doesnt use it now, but it looks great.  :-D

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