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Author Topic: Linux PPC on G4 iBook - Which one is best  (Read 3377 times)


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Re: Linux PPC on G4 iBook - Which one is best
« on: October 13, 2006, 08:59:30 AM »
Are you sure Linux is even a great option for someone who is computer illiterate?  I'm not that familiar with Macs these days, but generally I think MacOS is pretty good for people who just like doing their work, and don't have an interest in technology.  It might be quite a leap to go from MacOS to Linux.  I know Ubuntu is pretty good.  I use Xubuntu at home, which is also fine, but I feel a little less well documented than Ubuntu.  I think it would at least be worth looking into MacOS software at the same time.  I think most good accounting packages have demo versions that your friend could try first.  He/she may ind it worth spending some money if it provides better usability/productivity.

If you're going to settup the system for the friend anyway, maybe do a dual boot, so both paths could be esily evaluated.
Good good study, day day up!