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Replacing Amiga 4000 capacitors 3
Replacing Amiga 4000 capacitors 3
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Description: Replaced the Amiga 4000 capacitors by normal ones of a good brand. Also replaced the battery by a NiMH one.
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Posted by: PulsatingQuasar at January 05, 2009, 01:03:54 PM

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Comments (4)

January 11, 2009, 04:34:51 AM
I noticed you have Buster 9 SMT. Any plans to remove that to install Buster 11?

January 06, 2009, 09:12:21 PM

No it isn't.

First of all SMD caps are more work to get back on there and especially removing them again.

And for the height it doesn't really matter because if you haven't noticed there are 2 normal capacitors already there on the Amiga 4000 with a rating of 470 uF.

I have a Picasso 4 in the lower slot and the SIMM's actually are higher then my normal capacitor soldering.
The capacitors have the same height as the battery.

Your are more likely to ram the Picasso 4 into the SIMMs then the capacitors.

So no, SMD capacitors are not better.
January 06, 2009, 02:49:29 PM
Why this? Put SMD caps on it! It seems very better as this!
January 05, 2009, 09:42:34 PM
Well done!

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