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Author Topic: What are your top AmigaOS annoyances that you'd like to see addressed?  (Read 27464 times)


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Offline kolla

Re: What are your top AmigaOS annoyances that you'd like to see addressed?
« Reply #44 from previous page: May 20, 2021, 01:52:01 AM »
RAWBInfo (RA as in ReAction) *is* an addon, one that replaces the WBInfo built into Workbench.library with one using the addon collection of boopsi classes known as ReAction. It is almost ironic that RAWBInfo is back in the OS, as in the “drama” that went down with Os 3.1.4 release, ThoR made it very clear that WBInfo window is NOT an editor (despite the obvious fact that tooltypes are edited there) and that essentially all features of RAWBInfo (all file system flags, copy/paste icons, palette manipulate, icon type manipulation etc) are somehow “wrong” and anyone thinking otherwise just don’t know how dumb they are. Well, and now RAWBInfo is back, hopefully less buggy than previous versions.

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MiSTer, MiST, FleaFPGAs and original Minimig
Peg1, SAM440 and Mac minis with MorphOS

Offline QuikSanz

Thread resurrection!

A Printer System, it's high time we had something. Turbo Print is long gone, at least a spooler or something. Gutenberg? probably not coming...


Offline Matt_H

Thread resurrection!

A Printer System, it's high time we had something. Turbo Print is long gone, at least a spooler or something. Gutenberg? probably not coming...


CUPS has been floated as a possibility for a long time and I was always skeptical of how it could be implemented in a clean, Amiga-like fashion. But recent versions of MorphOS have done something like this pretty successfully. It's a bit clunky because it's alongside TurboPrint for now, but as it gets refined I think it might be worth borrowing the concept for regular AmigaOS.

Offline BozzerBigD


By far it's the stupid 'Drawer Clean Up', 'Snapshot All' and 'Show All Files' rubbish! Just make it so that drawers are always tidy and all files are always visible and when you close the window it automatically saves it's layout etc. All this archaic rubbish needs overhauling! TurboPrint is an absolute dream still but Workbench is showing its age IMHO.
"Art challenges technology. Technology inspires the art."

John Lasseter, Co-Founder of Pixar Animation Studios

Offline Matt_H


By far it's the stupid 'Drawer Clean Up', 'Snapshot All' and 'Show All Files' rubbish! Just make it so that drawers are always tidy and all files are always visible and when you close the window it automatically saves it's layout etc. All this archaic rubbish needs overhauling! TurboPrint is an absolute dream still but Workbench is showing its age IMHO.

Gotta disagree, slightly. :)

Manual snapshotting is something I absolutely *love* about the Amiga. Similar to the Save/Use/Cancel philosophy - I know that if I'm messing around with something, none of the changes will be permanent unless I explicitly make it so. Hiding clutter in a drawer by only displaying files with icons is another valuable feature for me. On Windows/Mac, I can't stand it when I make a change to a window for a particular one-time scenario and then need to undo it by hand the next time.

MorphOS is sort of doing something like you describe. There's a view mode that will ignore icon positioning info and automatically place things in a grid. What I don't like about it is that it also scales the icons up or down to fit the grid, which can make them look weird. And it's a system-wide toggle buried pretty deep somewhere.

That being said, if auto-tidy or auto-snapshot could be set on a system-wide *or* per drawer basis I think I'd be interested. There are certain drawers where I could envision using it, but would still want the regular behavior elsewhere.

Per earlier posts in this thread, I believe permanent Show All Files can be mostly done now by copying an icon with that setting to ENVARC:sys/def_drawer.info. All new drawers should then have Show All Files enabled as default.

Offline OlafS3

You get a problem...

if you f.e. change behavior like proposed some people will like that but others will refuse to use it because of that

I experienced that with my distributions, some people like magellan (including me) because it is unbeatable what you can do with it and f.e. ambient is orientating at it, but for others morphos is alien because it is not amiga-like enough. I tried to overcome this by also using Scalos as desktop that is much more amiga-like than magellan (that replaces much).

Here I not even talk about people who prefer amigaos because it is the only amiga platform to them
« Last Edit: July 07, 2022, 12:37:49 PM by OlafS3 »

Offline SHADES

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- A system UPDATER package!!! some sort of package manager!
- A Multi User login Workbench desktop!! so others can use my Amiga without stuffing up my layout!
- Re sizeable fonts! RTG is a nightmare trying to read anything on Hi-Res screens
- Better RTG support in general.
- TCP-IP stack included
- Audio mixer control would be nice
- Printer support
- A modern browser would be flippen awesome but on classic? is that even possible with the speed and memory requirements?
- Theme swapping on desktop would be nice but no biggie.
- Right click to open a customisable Copy/paste/delete/open/edit  drop down would be nice.
- A universal search function like VoidTools "Everything" would be great
- A re-design of the HD-Toolbox would be nice. PFS3 inclusion as it's now public domain...
It's not the question, that is the problem, it is the problem, that is the question.

Offline Steady


Isn't the current find tool enough? It can search everywhere and also in content if needed.

Online TribbleSmasher

RTG is getting better too, since Thor is fixing bugs and cludges and implementing new features and drivers for more cards into P96. :)

Offline SHADES

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Not really. Have a look at "Everything" by void tools and how it can live in the menu bar at the bottom of windows screen. Very useful. I don't even use windows search anymore, it's that good, and the queries... oooh. It's like CSH shell replacement auto complete search function in real time but as part of a gui.
It's not the question, that is the problem, it is the problem, that is the question.

Offline Steady

Cool. I'll take a look.

Online TribbleSmasher

Another thing came to my mind, (might have been mentioned before); the Installer copies files, creating directories etc..
It creates an optional log file but there is no way to use that to reverse the installation.
so it would be a logical step to enhance Installer to create logs that can be used to reverse the installation of software.

Offline QuikSanz

Very true, installer puts stuff all over. Removing the software can be very tricky. The only thing you really want left is any MUI Class.


Offline Minuous

Ha, speak for yourself...I do not want any MUI crap cluttering up my system :-D

Offline QuikSanz

In that case you should not have installed it in the first place.

Offline gwalp

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How about a "Task Manager" like windows so when a task hangs up and freezes you can check tasks to see what is hanging up and end the task.