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A1200 EZ-Z4 DIY Tower inside
A1200 EZ-Z4 DIY Tower inside
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Description: The EZ-Z4 Tower was never a nice tower (IMHO), but it was the one I could afford a while back.  I never wanted the Z4 busboard, but if I get the money I`ll get a mediator in there and see if it`ll fit - hacksaw on stand-by :-D

It`s powered through the floppy power connector on the motherboard, I`ll get round to hacksawing the backplate to fit the original PSU and power everything else from the ATX PSU eventually.  Oh and I didn\\\'t have any rivets to secure the bottom of the back plate but it\\\'s solid.  You could give the back a good thump and it won`t budge :-D

This is it`s guts - if you can see past all the cables ;-)

You should be able to see:

ScanMagic SD/FF - on the left (2parts - one is the cardboard back and the other is above it)

IDE buffer I got with IDEFix `97 - further to the left on it`s side (behind the power cable)

EZKey-XS - just to the right of the original white keyboard socket (if you can call it that :-P )

Apollo 040/25 - just under the PSU

That`s about it.  Oh, it`s a 1D4 if anyone`s that interested and it space for 3 CD drives, 2 floppies and 2 hds (or 1 floppy and 3 hds).
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Posted by: Vincent at October 23, 2004, 11:17:10 PM

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Comments (2)

April 12, 2007, 05:32:54 AM
Looks very crammed inside.

What about do you think about round cables?
October 03, 2005, 08:30:37 PM
nice one 10*



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