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Author Topic: Personal Paint 7.3 Bug thread  (Read 32588 times)


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Offline broadblues

Re: Personal Paint 7.3 Bug thread
« on: April 04, 2019, 09:49:27 AM »
2. There is no install routine, even though it is mentioned multiple times in the FAQ and guides included on the CD. This also means you have to set your assigns manually, yet this is not covered anywhere in the docs.

Just unpack to the destination of your choice. There are no assigns that need to be set, PPaint sets them itself when it starts up if they are not already set.

3. Fonts do not always work. On my WINUAE session, they work ok, on a real A1200 with an '040 and 64 MB of RAM and an MKII flicker fixer, if you type on the screen the text might appear to the upper right or bottom left... Tested in all resolutions. Before the MKII is blamed, old PPaint works, and 20 year old DeluxePaint text works fine on all screens.

No idea about this, they work for me (under WinUAE though so ...) Before you dismiss the flicker fixer , please try without it. Can't see why it shuld affect enyting though.

What screen resolution and size are you using, try a really standard one without overscan and no autoscroll. Weird stuff with mouse position can hapen on some system with autoscroll, might possibly affect this too.

5. The Spline tool (To make a curved line) behaves like the fonts - It does not appear where you click the pointer, but sometimes far above, sometimes far below
6. The solid line drawing tool behaves the same way as #5

Definetly feels like the austoscroll thing might be affecting this.

Offline broadblues

Re: Personal Paint 7.3 Bug thread
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2019, 09:51:03 AM »
I?ve had no issues typing text on my 3.9 A1200. I?ve just tried it on my 3.1.4 A1200 this evening and I have the same text issue. The cursor moves when you type but nothing appears.

IUUC there's choice of intuitions with 3.1.4 which version are you using?

Offline broadblues

Re: Personal Paint 7.3 Bug thread
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2019, 12:13:05 AM »
So PPaint modifies my user startup when I Iaunch it and adds and assign? Huh...

Ofcourse it doesn't.

If PPaint: assign does not exist it's created and assigned to the program directory on startup then removed at prgram exit.


Offline broadblues

Re: Personal Paint 7.3 Bug thread
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2019, 09:34:52 AM »
Several of is were talking about this new PPaint during a live stream of a DPaint tutorial - and many of us are having the same issues, and so far not even a "We aknowledge it and we are working on it". I was told a few weeks ago that one of the devs would contact me, but nothing... I was excited to do a review of the software on my YouTube channel, but I really, really don't want to do a negative review. I really hope someone is listening and helps fix this software. I would have gladly paid three or four times the price they are selling it for if it will make it work right.

I got no specific message to contact you, although I don't know who you might be outside of the forums.  But this is the second or third time I've talked about PPaint on forums and people of have "insulted" me behind my back without realising they are talking to my face!

I just spent some considerable effort fixing a bunh of bugs for the recent release, I've no more time for PPaint just at the moment, many prjects to work on, but will inevitably come back to it.

From this thread so far as I can tell this issue only occurs on 3.1.4 so which could mean two things:

Bug in some component of 3.1.4 (gfx lib or intuition I'd guess)

Obscure bug in ppaint only reavealed by 3.1.4


Offline broadblues

Re: Personal Paint 7.3 Bug thread
« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2019, 02:14:39 PM »
Ah Doug, I know who I'm talking too now :-)

I did put "insult" in quotes, so I'm not exactly insulted by just alittle frustrated by people grunmbling about me to me in forums, perhaps I'm not as notorious as I'd like to think ;-)

I just want some aknowledgment that the problems exist and are being addressed.

WRT to the A500 issue I believe we sent you a 68000 specfic build, which if I understand correctly still had a 68020 depndency lurking in there somewhere. Might be libnix not sure. 

I don't have A500 setup to test on at the moment. I have FS-UAE on my laptop but have only got a image of my a1200 on there for the moment. I can only use that for short testing sessions as it causes my poor aging linux laptop to over heat! (As an aside tips on fixing that would be helpful!).

WRT to the 3.1.4 issues this thread is the first I've heard of it.  I will have to setup a 3.1.4 config on my FS-UAE at somepoint but I'm full on busy at the moment.

I will look into this soon.  I cannot make promsies of how soon soon is.

These days it's not amatter of how many devs per prject but haow many projects per dev, and I have more than a few to maintain, without getting started on my own!.

For heaven's sake - I even offered to re-write the 22 year old AmigaGuide that comes with the new software - It still does nothing but talk about Cloanto and has no reference at all to the new features.

I'm just comparing the 68k and OS4 distribution archives, looks like the newer docs are missing from the 68k distro, will get that fixed.


Offline broadblues

Re: Personal Paint 7.3 Bug thread
« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2019, 10:04:21 AM »

I did have arange of setups using amiga forever on my old windows XP hardisk but that died (the disk) and I have only just recently had time to investigate FS-UAE under linux.

Tester have other hardware but I guess nobody tried it on an A500!

I'm a Amiag OS4 dev, so 68k stuff is bit of a side effect to be honest!  I did approach PPaint with the intention to keep it backwards compatable but there sooo many variations in 68k setups it's not an easy task, not an excuse per seh just the way it is.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2019, 10:30:19 AM by broadblues »

Offline broadblues

Re: Personal Paint 7.3 Bug thread
« Reply #6 on: April 30, 2019, 03:28:00 PM »
Or VirtualBox, VMWare etc under Linux.

I really don't use it much, but I do have a Windows10 image with AmigaForever on VirtualBox, on my macbook, and it works fine.

Really doubt my ancient HP compaq presario laptop is up such magic.  I had to drop back to xfce just got linux to perform acceptably once I'd upgraded to debian 9 to get chrome updates back.
The main problem here is that the code is left in the hands of people who neither have time, nor interest, to do the development that is required. So it just lingers there.

Perhaps, but without my efforts to port it to OS4 and get both it and OS4 fixed to make it work, PPaint would never have been updated at all. Other devs tried asnd simply lacked the needed degree of "stubourness".

Something has clearly broken with 3.1.4 and I will look into that, once I have the time.

Offline broadblues

Re: Personal Paint 7.3 Bug thread
« Reply #7 on: May 08, 2019, 03:58:02 PM »
WRT to the peculiar behaviour under 3.14 can you check if you are using the personal_agnus_blit.library or the personal_cpu_blit.library?

You can check this by looking at  menu->settings->Amiga Blitter  if that is chacked you are using agnus otherwise cpu.

Or you can look at the line

   BLITLIBS = "personal_agnus_blit.library", "personal_cpu_blit.library", 0

if there is 0 there the first lib is used.  if 12 the second.

When testing under 3.1.4 and using agnus I see the issues you describe (kind of).

1. Single pixel brush does not work
2. Curve tool renders as 'dots' rather than continuous line but does render the final line as long as the single pixel isn't used.
3. Freehand area tool doesn't work (might render corrupt stuff).
4. Text tool doesn't type text, though the red guide box / cursor displays in the correct place.

Some corruption occurs on the Workbench screen.

Switching to cpu_blit all symptoms dispappear for me except the single pixel brush not working. The single pixel brush is "special" so this is probably significant.

When running with cpu or with agnus on my 3.5 setup all features work.

Offline broadblues

Re: Personal Paint 7.3 Bug thread
« Reply #8 on: May 08, 2019, 04:55:16 PM »
I may have that reversed it seems to work for agnus and not cpu.

Offline broadblues

Re: Personal Paint 7.3 Bug thread
« Reply #9 on: May 13, 2019, 08:01:30 PM »

I've now identified the issue (with the help some feed back from Thomas) the 3.1.4 thing was red herring just a coincidence of the bug reports surfacing at the same time as the users were trying out 3.1.4.

What is happening is that the detection of when it was safe to use fast memory for bitmaps had got lost at some point, and when using the personal_cpu_blit.library it was *always* putting bitmaps into fast memory.

I will fix this up with an improved test for when its safe (FBlit, RTG in place etc) but as an immediate work arround you could try installing FBlit or Picasso96.

Still working on getting the 68000 version working, realy not sure how to qwork out exactly what instruction is maing it crash, and in which bit of code it is, missing the GR window from OS4 here!


Offline broadblues

Re: Personal Paint 7.3 Bug thread
« Reply #10 on: May 19, 2019, 11:45:32 AM »

I've now got viable 68000 build (specs file in my gcc setup was promoting all 68000 code to 68010 for some unknown and ancient reason) I've tested on my 3.1.4 FS-UAE setup on a A500+ emulation and it seems to work. If you email your contact I will send you a test build andy@broad.ology.org.uk

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Offline broadblues

Re: Personal Paint 7.3 Bug thread
« Reply #11 on: May 19, 2019, 04:58:03 PM »
Replied to email, please let me know that you got it as have been having a lot of spam bounces of late.