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Author Topic: MorphOS noob. School me!  (Read 28918 times)


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Offline pVC

Re: MorphOS noob. School me!
« on: September 25, 2014, 09:09:19 PM »
Quote from: itix;773888
FFS, SFS and PFS have 127 GB partition size limit. Using larger hard disks than that is fine, though.

PFS3's limit is 104GB.

Anyway, using default SFS is the easiest and most used filesystem on MorphOS. And you can  use many partitions to fill the whole HD if it's bigger than supported max partition size.
Daily MorphOS user and Amiga active.

Offline pVC

Re: MorphOS noob. School me!
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2014, 09:12:38 PM »
Quote from: Heiroglyph;773899
I don't do ripped isos, but I have a lot of HD and SD video in other formats. Mostly h.264 and mpeg2 in various containers (mov, m2ts, mp4, mpg, mkv).

I haven't looked into what's available for playback yet, but I assumed there was a player for for those, if not a simple editor.

MPlayer is the best for video playback. Install it with Grunch (http://www.geit.de/eng_grunch.html) or get it directly from http://fabportnawak.free.fr/mplayer/

Thanks, it seems fun so far, but I'm starting to wonder if there's anything for me to contribute. The ecosystem seems pretty damn good so far. I'm more of a developer than a user. When I use a computer, it's usually to browse and write code.

Community will be very pleased of any coding effort :) There are gaps to fill still.
One place to start http://krashan.ppa.pl/mph/
Daily MorphOS user and Amiga active.

Offline pVC

Re: MorphOS noob. School me!
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2014, 05:56:03 AM »
Quote from: Heiroglyph;773923
Edit: Ok, so I found crabum.rexx in the wbstartup folder and removing it makes that error go away.  I don't see anything noticable in line 127 though...

Hmm... I don't remember if Chrysalis pack comes with working rexxsyslib.library or not. Although it doesn't sound exactly like an error because of it, but you could check if you have rexxsyslib.library in sys:libs/ (and renamed from use from mossys:libs/).

Check the details here on tip #1

Anyway if you're into tuning the systems yourself for your taste, I'd go without Chrysalis pack, but if you want everything on the plate or want to check what's available, then the pack is ok.
Daily MorphOS user and Amiga active.

Offline pVC

Re: MorphOS noob. School me!
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2014, 05:29:32 PM »
Quote from: KimmoK;773935
I think previously PackChrysalis broke something on my MosBook setup as OWB started to fail with web sites secure login. Now after MOS update to 3.7 the system does not boot every time (sometimes ends up in grey screen). So, perhaps I should do clean start.

(just a little painfull to backup the data with USB1.0 speed of my old PowerBook HW. Especially when the USB is not rock solid either ((or perhaps my USB issues are only with Android devices where transfers hang with multiple files)))

You could backup to other partition (Work: for example) and manually format the System partition and then do new install with manual partitioning option, which shouldn't affect to that Work: etc because you already have correct partitions and no need to touch them. I'm pretty sure it did work that way, but I can test again before you start to blame me if I didn't remember it right ;)

Quote from: JJ;773944
What is not supported on powerbook.  I am running on powerbook and have not found anything that is not supported or does not work.  Sounds like you either have a bad install or faulty hardware ?

Some older Powerbooks are missing audio.. those titanium models which weren't earlier supported at all, but now they are enabled even though not all features do work. If you read careful the hardware compatibility page, Powerbooks' on-board audio isn't told to be supported at all, so basically it's just bonus that it works on aluminium ones ;) Anyway that's why you are forced to test the machine before you can register so that you know what you get. At least KimmoK knew that audio doesn't work on his Powerbook before paying the registration, but of course wouldn't hurt to have that kind of things more clearly said on hw page.

Quote from: Heiroglyph;773959
I wasn't a fan of that shortcut bar at the bottom, but would like something for easy access to commonly used apps. That one just didn't react in a way that I found comfortable, even after changing some settings.

Do you mean "shortcut bar" from Chrysalis? Anyway, you have Panels in Ambient settings and you can configure your own bars with those.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2014, 05:32:57 PM by pVC »
Daily MorphOS user and Amiga active.

Offline pVC

Re: MorphOS noob. School me!
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2014, 07:30:44 AM »
Quote from: Heiroglyph;774142
Holy crap, who right clicks on a depth gadget?

Long left click works by default too, IIRC. Which at least can be found by accident too ;)

But as said, RMB usage has been extended to quite a many places and I think it's quite handy to have more all kinds of functionality available within the context. You can RMB over files, Ambient window titlebar, window and screen gadgets, parent button, filerequesters etc.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2014, 07:58:17 AM by pVC »
Daily MorphOS user and Amiga active.

Offline pVC

Re: MorphOS noob. School me!
« Reply #5 on: October 07, 2014, 06:42:21 AM »
Quote from: trekiej;774578
Thanks, I would like to use a G4/G5 all in one. Is emac the only one of those that will work?
I found an answer.

There isn't any real sign or promise to have real support for that iMac, I wouldn't count on it. And eMac just isn't good enough IMHO, mainly because CRT isn't what you'd expect nowadays :)

The closest thing for all-in-one would be a laptop, I'd recommend the latest Powerbook G4:s or maybe the very latest iBooks too.

But for a good all-around machine some desktop G4 machine around 1.5GHz or so would be a good choice at this point too. 1.5GHz Mac mini or then some reasonably fast Powermac G4. G4 machines are well supported and you can have compatibility with Warp3D etc if wanted. G5 is a bit different beast and it sounds like it needs some extra treatment from the software side, which maybe isn't optimized fully yet. Or at least that impression I've got, but I haven't used G5 machine ever...
Daily MorphOS user and Amiga active.