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Author Topic: MorphOS on x86???  (Read 14151 times)


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Offline ferrellsl

Re: MorphOS on x86???
« on: September 08, 2008, 02:35:51 PM »
The enitre argument that endian-ness is the reason that MorphOS will never be ported to x86 is ridiculous.  Several operating systems have made the leap to x86 without any problems whatsoever.  OSX is one example.  Even Windows NT went the opposite direction and was ported to PPC many years ago.  It languished due to lack of interest until Microsoft finally stopped supporting and developing it.

The primary reason we won't see MorphOS on x86 any time soon is simply demand related.  There aren't enough people out there who want to use it on x86 hardware to make it profitable for the MorphOS team to invest in developing for the x86 platform.

If you really want a MorphOS-like operating system to run on your x86 hardware, then I suggest OSX.  I've been able to install and run the Kalyway Leopard version of OSX on everything from an IBM Thinkpad to a Panasonic CF-74 Toughbook.  And OSX is much more mature and robust than MorphOS right now.  I hope that will change, but until MorphOS has an office suite and a web browser that properly supports CSS and Java, it will always be crippled and suffer from a lack of demand.

Offline ferrellsl

Re: MorphOS on x86???
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2008, 05:21:23 PM »

I didn't say one thing about software.  This thread was/is about MorphOS and why it won't be ported to x86 anytime soon, if ever.

My comments were in no way a comparison of MorphOS, Windows NT or OS X.  I was pointing out that endian-ness is not a problem when porting ANY operating system to different hardware architectures.  If it was a problem, we wouldn't see Linux running on nearly every processor that's been developed.  I'm tired of arm-chair experts who constantly sound like parrots and repeat the same old garbage that endian-ness is what is keeping MorphOS from being ported to x86.  If it's such a problem, then how did the AROS team port it to PPC? If it's such a problem, how did Microsoft port NT to the PPC?  If it's such a problem, how did Apple port OSX to x86?  OS porting across architectures happens all the time!  And of course it means the applications need to be recompiled for the target OS unless you use something like Rosetta or Wine or DOSBox.  Nobody is/was arguing this point, but for some reason you seem to be trolling for a fight.
And yes, the operating systems that I mentioned are all diverse and quite different, but of the ones I mentioned, OSX is quite similar to MorphOS and to OS4, at least on the surface.  Endian-ness will never be the reason why an OS is or isn't ported.  It's all about demand and the return on investment for the developer!

Offline ferrellsl

Re: MorphOS on x86???
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2008, 08:00:48 PM »

Wow, has anyone told you that you have a talent for stating the obvious?!

Did you even read my posts?  Obviously not.

Offline ferrellsl

Re: MorphOS on x86???
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2008, 09:39:44 PM »

Yeah, really.  All those x86 boxes being sold are running Windows or Linux.  People aren't buying them and waiting with bated breath for a MorphOS port!!!!!!!

When enough people want MorphOS on x86, the MorphOS team will do a return on investment analysis.  If they can make money by porting it to x86, then they'll do it.  Why else would they do it?  Out of love for the OS???  Get real.  They need to eat and pay their bills too, just like everyone else.

Offline ferrellsl

Re: MorphOS on x86???
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2008, 12:58:56 AM »

Uhhhh, sorry to inform you, but it has ALREADY been proven.......look at all the operating systems out there that have been ported to different architectures, both PPC and x86, such as Yellow Dog Linux (x86 and PPC), OS X (x86 and PPC), Windows NT (PPC and x86). Are you saying that they weren't ported?  I bet you think the lunar landings were faked too!  I never said that the ports didn't suffer from a lack of support or software.

All the operating systems that I've mentioned have been ported to different architectures that have endian differences.  That's what this entire thread is about.....Mingle, the guy who started this thread asked a valid question as to what was keeping MorphOS from being ported to x86.  Some wise-acre said it was due to endian-ness and would therefore not happen...he said that endian-ness was such a huge technical issue that it couldn't be overcome.  That is utter crap.  It all boils down to demand.  And just because a handful of Amigans on this forum want to run it on x86 is meaningless too.  Until the MorphOS team and its investors can make money from a MorphOS port, it will never be ported.  It isn't a technical or a programming problem.  It's a money and demand problem. There aren't enough users on this forum to make it profitable for the MorphOS team to port MorphOS to x86 and there never will be for several reasons.  The community is too small now to make it profitable.  There isn't enough demand for the port, let alone the applications that people would want or need to run on the port.  If the demand was there, the port would happen, and so would the applications.  Even MorphOS on PPC lacks a large user base and is several generations behind the rest of world in terms of software like a mature and robust web browser and an office suite.  Until an OS has those things, it will always be a "hobby" OS.....just a geek toy.

Now I can see why so many  people have left the Amiga community and especially this site.  This site as well as the one at Amigaworld.net is full of people who have no idea what they're talking about who simply lay in wait to troll, flame others and spread disinformation.

Offline ferrellsl

Re: MorphOS on x86???
« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2008, 01:41:18 AM »
I never said that you guys were making money on MorphOS, but you certainly wouldn't continue its development if it was losing money, at least not for long.

All I've been saying is that it's technically possible to port MorphOS to x86.....nothing more, nothing less.  And that the endian-ness issues could be overcome.  Other operating systems have done it and I'm certain you and your team are more than smart enough to do it as well.  But you won't do it if it means you and the team lose money in the process with no chance to recoup your investment in time or in money.

But maybe you guys ARE that dedicated and love MorphOS so much that you'd develop for a money-losing venture.  I personally would like to see MorphOS on x86 hardware too, but I have to be realistic.  And I don't want to see you or anyone on the team go bankrupt either!

Offline ferrellsl

Re: MorphOS on x86???
« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2008, 03:14:56 AM »
OK, if it's not about making money, then give MorphOS away for free instead of charging 150 EU for it.  And port it to x86 for free too.

Don't try to make us believe that MorphOS is a charity OS.  150 EU is a lot of money for any OS.

When you guys stop charging 150 EU for it, I'll stop believing it's a business.

Offline ferrellsl

Re: MorphOS on x86???
« Reply #7 on: September 09, 2008, 04:26:17 AM »

You must be kidding!!!!

Vista Home Premium $65.99
Linux $0
OS X Leopard $85

Prices are all from Amazon.com's US site.

And who in their right mind would compare MorphOS to Windows Server, Netware, or Vista?  MorphOS is not even in the same league.  It's a hobby OS.  Nobody will be buying MorphOS for web hosting or for much else since it has few applications.

So yeah, MorphOS is a bit on the pricey side when you consider that 150 EU is roughly $211 US at the current exchange rate.

Offline ferrellsl

Re: MorphOS on x86???
« Reply #8 on: September 09, 2008, 04:36:00 AM »
Well, I'll have to disagree with you that MorphOS is in the same league as Vista Ultimate, especially when it comes to useful applications.

I certainly agree that the MorphOS team can charge whatever they want, but in addition to the lack of decent hardware, the high price is keep many people from buying it.  I've seen many of the posts here myself decrying the high price.

I'd buy it too and run it on my dormant PegII, but I can't justify the purchase when I consider that my PegII is already outdated, MorphOS is sorely lacking applications, and I can get more powerful, better supported OS's much cheaper.

And unfortunately there will never be dealers for MorphOS undercutting each other with price wars for the very same reasons I stated in the previous paragraphs.

Offline ferrellsl

Re: MorphOS on x86???
« Reply #9 on: September 09, 2008, 01:45:47 PM »

Please refer back to the first post in this thread....

Offline ferrellsl

Re: MorphOS on x86???
« Reply #10 on: September 09, 2008, 01:52:33 PM »

I think we've both been misunderstanding one another.  I've been saying that there is nothing to prevent MorphOS from being ported to x86 from a technical perspective.  Then I was jumped by Piru because I said that the port would never happen because porting MorphOS wasn't a money-making venture.  I know that the expertise exists to conduct such a port.  I started out in this thread by rejecting the claim that a port would never occur because of endian-ness issues. Someone stated that endian issues made it impossible to port MorphOS to x86.  Those issues CAN be overcome as evidenced by several operating systems, including AROS.  BTW, thanks for porting AROS to PPC.