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Unmistakable :)
Unmistakable :)
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Description: I recently got hold of a box set of the BBC TV series "Ashes to Ashes" and saw this in the DVD title menu :)

Of course, the events of the series are set in 1981-1983 (the series is full of anachronisms anyway, so I guess this one doesn't matter). However, it seems they removed the logo and suggested it was some 80's green screen PC. Criminal!
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Posted by: Karlos at January 29, 2012, 10:32:36 PM

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Comments (1)

January 10, 2012, 07:17:51 PM
Nice find.  I don't mind what they've done though, as it makes the Amiga seem even further ahead of its time than it actually was (15 years as opposed to 10) LOL.

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