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24-bit 1152x900 trekbench
24-bit 1152x900 trekbench
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Description: This is my current Trekbench, though I used a Frontier Elite II Imperial Trader instead of a Starfleet ship on the backdrop. I have all my USB goodies (PC floppy drive, LCD picture frame, Sony CliƩ PEG-TJ27, Samsung A503 camera, Sandisk Cruzer 8GB, and a 512MB Nextar MP3 player) plugged in, to show their icons. Also, I have the 3 Amidock windows (with mostly KDE stolen icons), tinymeter, limpidclock, WET, YAM, and a modified Birdie/visualprefs theme. The 4x IDE adapter has a 40GB drive w/ 3 SFS partitions, 2 FAT16s, and 1 Mac partition, with a Zip100, a DVD drive, and a CD/RW drive. I'm going to change the alpha shadows on some of the USB and Trek icons, as I get more proficient at such things. Other than that, I'm pretty happy with this.
Picture Stats:
Views: 1862
Filesize: 169.01kB
Height: 768 Width: 1024
Posted by: kvasir at August 02, 2009, 07:33:43 AM

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September 04, 2009, 08:03:43 PM

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