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Author Topic: APC&TCP is on vacation  (Read 4483 times)


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Offline AndreasMTopic starter

APC&TCP is on vacation
« on: May 03, 2019, 02:20:31 PM »
From May 6th to 29th, APC & TCP and the Amiga Future are on vacation.

During this time we can not answer any emails.
In extremely urgent cases, we are conditionally reachable via WhatsApp and Messenger.

All emails and orders will of course be processed as soon as possible after our vacation.
But please have understanding that it may take some days.
Attention! Also download orders (eg Roadshow) must be unlocked by us by hand. Thus, the downloads are available only after our vacation.

If everything works out perfectly we have a little surprise for you after our holiday.

Andreas Magerl
APC&TCP - Home of Amiga Future
Publisher for Amiga Software, Merchandising and many more.


Offline khiiri

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Re: APC&TCP is on vacation
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2019, 07:46:10 PM »
Just got my subscription started and received the May issue today. Lucky me!

Have a nice vacation! You have a great magazine!