@F0LLETT I get the impression that many PiStorm users get their info direct from other sources like the PiStorm Facebook Group, Discord, Patreon etc where Claude and Michal are really active. Granted that doesn't cover everyone so it just needs a few people to think about sharing the news they see more widely, like you have.
I've downloaded the WHDLoad wrapper but not installed it yet - I want to do a backup first. It looks very straightforward and the Database is simple, a text file of games with arguments afterwards, so it's another tool for us to tinker with :-) Version 0.09 can be downloaded from:
http://tinyurl.com/bdhuz3ts (link copied from Discord).
Some more PiStorm news is that Michal has released a working alpha version of the WiFi driver with a BIG caveat...there's NO WIRELESS SECURITY so anyone using it should take various precautions to protect their network before testing it e.g. use a mobile wireless hotspot, or set up a temporary guest network.
I'm very happy with my PiStorm which I've had installed for exactly a year (bought from Amigakit). The thing I especially like is that it allows me to play games like AB3D2 (check out the new version by Karlos, running at about 50 FPS) and an updated version of TFX (running at up to 70 FPS) which were really pushing our Amigas when originally released, to the point where they were unplayable for a majority of owners without emulation.
Karlos TKG: