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Author Topic: The history of the Amiga Future  (Read 1593 times)


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The history of the Amiga Future
« on: May 22, 2021, 12:37:45 PM »
A few days ago issue 150 of Amiga Future was published.

Appropriately, we have now published a small article about the history of the Amiga Future.

We have also started some small campaigns for issue 150 which you can read at http://150.amigafuture.de.
A few other small campaigns will also be started.

In the history of the Amiga Future you can find out why we still don't celebrate it with a big party, even though it's issue 150.

English article: https://www.amigafuture.de/app.php/kb/viewarticle?a=6740
german article: https://www.amigafuture.de/app.php/kb/viewarticle?a=6739

Andreas Magerl
APC&TCP - Home of Amiga Future
Publisher for Amiga Software, Merchandising and many more.
