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Author Topic: Internal floppy works, but not detecting new disks.  (Read 1733 times)


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Offline Pat the Cat

Re: Internal floppy works, but not detecting new disks.
« on: May 12, 2021, 06:54:23 PM »
There is a workaround if you can't get the switch working properly (or whatever the fault is). Which would at least let you install onto hard drive.

Prior to running the install script, open up a shell. When you get the prompt to change disks, do so, then get the shell window to the front, and type

Diskchange DF0:

Then hit the return key. That prompts the Amiga to update and re-read the floppy contents.

It does mean flipping back and forth, clicking on the requesters and the shell window. Handy use for multitasking though.



and hit return when you are finished with the shell window.
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