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AB3D2 Mod - montage 2
AB3D2 Mod - montage 2
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Description: Second in a collection of screen shots from a mod I made for AB3D2 quite some years ago, for the first, see http://www.amiga.org/gallery/index.php?n=3372

Top left to bottom right:
1) End of the docking ring, faux coloured lighting
2) Assault rifle firing
3) Start of level 3, borrowed the standing lights from AB3D 1 :)
4) Shotgun recoil/reload. If you are crouched there's an instant when you can see the open barrel ends.
5) Grenade launcher pickup
6) Grenade launcher firing (the clip rotates 1/8th turn each time)
7) Blowing stuff up for fun and profit
8) Shotgun recoil
9) Reworked bounce laser bolts...
10) ... which have the dangerous tendency to return
11) Chaingun pickup...
12) ... for when you absolutely have to kill everything in the room, accept no substitute.
Picture Stats:
Views: 954
Filesize: 341.07kB
Height: 768 Width: 1024
Posted by: Karlos at November 16, 2010, 12:51:30 AM

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Comments (2)

Abu the monkey
June 09, 2011, 05:41:59 PM
where can I get a copy? I want to play it, now! :)
November 19, 2010, 10:18:45 PM
I just realised I didn't even get one external shot...

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