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Author Topic: ACTA: The new threat to the net  (Read 2121 times)


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Re: ACTA: The new threat to the net
« on: January 31, 2012, 12:31:23 AM »
The broad powers sought to be gained by these corrupt politicians
will be twisted and expanded to deter free speech,
and to complete the transition of education, to indoctrination. It is far easier to herd shallow thinking dweebs and bimbos, than those who learn history, and refuse to repeat it's mistakes.

As it is, educators have largely become a political class, and have chosen tenure and pensions, while abdicating teaching to the venues of pop culture. When parents
have resisted, with alternative virtual schools,  charter schools, and home schooling, governments and the vast teachers unions which help elect them, stand in array against these successful, affordable alternatives.

Shutting down pirate websites is not rocket science, and requires no
international internet legislation. Harsh local mandatory sentencing,
applied to the largest purveyors of stolen properties, is the first step.  :hammer:

But failure to teach kids that stealing is wrong, will minimize those
results, and pop culture will teach that such theft is rewarded, and is indeed a
a personal right. Layers of vaguely worded international law will not
change this.

I fed google the name of a $40 software last night, to recommend it's
homepage link, an obscure software at that, and the first 4 pages
were pirate sites, so I then modified the search. Little wonder that
the softwares author, has moved on to greener pastures.