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Author Topic: X-Dock bugs and requests  (Read 8227 times)


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Offline SpektroTopic starter

X-Dock bugs and requests
« on: August 05, 2019, 02:21:29 PM »

I'm not sure if this is the right forum, but I'd like to report a few bugs or unwanted features.

The "Close subdock after button click" feature doesn't seem to work when you have nested subdocks. I have a subdock inside a subdock and when I select an icon from the innermost subdock, the innermost subdock closes but not the host subdock. Can this be changed so that the host subdock closes too?

Another thing I noticed was that when starting a program through X-Dock, the current directory will not change to the program's home directory. This causes problems with scripts/programs which expect to be launched just like Workbench launches them.

This is a matter of taste, but I really dislike the tiny icons in drop-down menus. Please, add an option to hide the icons.