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Author Topic: CommodoreUSA Partners with Disney  (Read 44270 times)


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Offline Plaz

Re: CommodoreUSA Partners with Disney
« on: April 03, 2011, 02:48:16 AM »
Originally Posted by spihunter  
So I'm supposed to put my finger over the screen everytime one of these CUSA news items shows up on the main page?. I'm sick of you and this place...Deleting account a leaving for good....

I suspect there are some who are hoping for just this type of news. Sadly it's +1 for them.


Offline Plaz

Re: CommodoreUSA Partners with Disney
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2011, 02:49:48 AM »
Quote from: WolfToTheMoon;627044
We are the C=USA. Lower your shields and surrender your Amigas. We will  add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your  culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.


Now that's the best and most honest line I've heard in a long time. :)


Offline Plaz

Re: CommodoreUSA Partners with Disney
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2011, 06:54:06 AM »
Quote from: Iggy;627103
I don't know if I agree that its something to mourn over.

Truly I don't mourn over this stuff. And as one with a few remaining firing brain cells, the realities of the market and hobby community are clear.

What I don't agree with is the growing perception of the "like it or leave it attitude". Struggle as I might I just don't find clear words to describe it. Partly I guess because Amiga and it's community means different things to different people so it's hard to sort.

In one example I might put it like this... "Hey your favorite pet of 20 year is gone, sorry about that. But no worries, here's a new different pet. But we named it the same so you're all patched up now. Time to put a smile on and move along." I feel such an attitude disrespectful to some folks who have been our friends along time. Of course some don't and probably prefer more sentimental types leave. That is the "them +1" I refer to.

And and fear I've probably not made my point any clearer.


Offline Plaz

Re: CommodoreUSA Partners with Disney
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2011, 04:16:09 PM »
Quote from: redrumloa;627257
So it should be banned and not discussed?

Sure discuss it, not a problem for me. Could we have a little more separation between  church and state though? I agree that the new Commodore isn't going away and some are going to have to adjust to the fact. But I grow weary of the constant invasion of classic topics by the new order. A bit of mod adjsutments might do wonders.

This isn't a religion.

Then why are you bashing it like one?


Offline Plaz

Re: CommodoreUSA Partners with Disney
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2011, 02:31:38 AM »
Quote from: dammy;627263
Question is, what are you going to do, have old Fido stuffed so he can sit in his corner for the rest of eternity? Oh, and no new dog(s), they would just remind you of Fido.  

Not my cup of tea, but to some that's a legitimate solution. And who's to judge them? Another option would be to bread and harvest the natural lineage. Fido grand children so to speak.

 History repeats itself, now it's a new generation of Amigas.  We have an adjustment coming up and depending on what COS turns out to be, might be easier to accept or more difficult, time will tell.

Really no it isn't. It's just another clone. And there is no adjustment necessary. It's not difficult at all. We're all completely well versed (and completely bored) with clones already.


Offline Plaz

Re: CommodoreUSA Partners with Disney
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2011, 02:39:24 AM »
Quote from: Iggy;627379
Good thing you're not a moderator then.

Fearful then? I'd not think the same of you.


Offline Plaz

Re: CommodoreUSA Partners with Disney
« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2011, 02:44:21 AM »
Quote from: Argo;627470
Oddly, the world didn't end when Commodore introduced the Colt. Think of it like that.

Commodore did soon after though.... kidding... just kidding


Offline Plaz

Re: CommodoreUSA Partners with Disney
« Reply #7 on: April 05, 2011, 02:55:17 AM »
Quote from: dammy;627700
There will be a app store to purchase C64 software.  I suspect it won't take too long before new games/apps to appear after it's opening.  

Now are you talking classic 64 stuff also, or just nextgen 64? Because that would be a cool idea.


Offline Plaz

Re: CommodoreUSA Partners with Disney
« Reply #8 on: April 05, 2011, 03:32:11 AM »
Quote from: Iggy;628146
?...I don't get that.
But I am slowly changing my mind. Maybe the mods do need to step in on crap like this.

Step in on what? Things you don't understand? You won't find a single post, comment or opinion by me on this site that shows I'm any thing but fair and honest without bias for anyone. But hey, it's now the new Amiga.org. So pick a side and start flinging the insults.


Offline Plaz

Re: CommodoreUSA Partners with Disney
« Reply #9 on: April 05, 2011, 03:36:08 AM »
Quote from: TheBilgeRat;628150
I'd be a mod - I'd just ban the crap out of the lot of ya, BOFH style. :lol:

Eh, don't do me any favors.  :lol:


Offline Plaz

Re: CommodoreUSA Partners with Disney
« Reply #10 on: April 05, 2011, 03:55:04 AM »
Quote from: Iggy;628154
No Plaz,
You misinterpret my comment. It was not directed at you.
And all your comments generally are fair handed (and I love the AMX).

What I meant was the crap in this thread.
I think kesa got what I meant.
This thread is likely to top 500 post by tonight and its only a few days old.

Its a monster that needs to die.

Thanks for that. And sorry if I'm a bit prickly. I'll admit I'm treading lightly through this mine field of a thread and did mistake your meaning as coming down on me instead of the thread after the mod comment and the follow up. Big hug then? ... eh, didn't think so. :)

P.S. My Jav/AMX project looks nothing like my avatar, but I'm working on it. Anyone up for a ride around 2013? :P


Offline Plaz

Re: CommodoreUSA Partners with Disney
« Reply #11 on: April 05, 2011, 04:02:23 AM »
Quote from: digitex;627860
Here's my personal Commodore/Amiga story.

Ok, out of all your posts I like this one the best. It kind of offsets the other with cracks about therapists. T-shirt line was good, but we know how t-shirt deals normally work out around here.

Hey, I'm going to be in Florida next month. Any chance I might stop by? Incurable geek curiosity.

Sorry about all the rapid fire replies everyone. Go away for a day and get waaay behind.


Offline Plaz

Re: CommodoreUSA Partners with Disney
« Reply #12 on: April 05, 2011, 04:36:16 AM »
Quote from: redrumloa;628180
As long as you can handle the vitriol and libel that comes with having a neutral opinion:crazy:

Well I've got to be confusing plenty already. Curious to go see an operation putting out a product I've already called a boring clone.

I'm interested to know what comes after though. As much as I'm underwhelmed with a x86 that looks like a 64.... Barry's is surely thinking a few steps ahead. Curiouser and Curiouser.
