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Author Topic: Looking for Python coders for clone of CNet BBS  (Read 2432 times)


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Looking for Python coders for clone of CNet BBS
« on: October 14, 2013, 03:48:29 AM »
Hi everyone! It'sa meesa!

So I have been teaching myself Python and have done a few little programs and scripts. But now I decided I wanted to do something I have been talking about for a long time. Write a BBS program that I could use and share with other people that may want to use it.

I'm perfectly willing to write this myself but I figured since there are some CNet fans like me out there, maybe some of them would like to help me with this project as no new public release of CNet has come out in a long time.

If you can't code, maybe this might be a fun way to get your feet wet? I started learning by going to Codecademy.com based on a co-worker's suggestion, and from there, I read some ebooks and came up with some easy goals to hit and did it. My first script was reading the frequency from my Yaesu FT-847 using the CAT interface and a USB to RS-232 adapter.

My goal for this is to just make an open source clone of the package that is a little more up to date, and offers the same kind of flexibility in setup. I've already started a basic framework of the core of the BBS and have been making small changes based on the version of CNet I have running in FS-UAE on my Mac. I'm basically building it in bits and pieces and not really focusing on the overall full program. A login function here, a main menu loop there.. etc..

If anyone is interested, let me know. Would love to have you join in.
-=:[ Rich Lawrence ]:=-