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Author Topic: USB floppy drive  (Read 4819 times)


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Offline pyrreTopic starter

USB floppy drive
« on: July 28, 2016, 02:11:16 PM »
I could not find any forum treads about generic hardware... so i try here..
I found a floppy drive in a dumpster once.
It is an external drive to be connected to IBM laptops, no markings or number s on the outside other than "IBM Diskette Drive"
on the inside there is a Panasonic JU-237AO4W (uncertain if it is a O or a zero)

However. it has no power connector, but seemingly a normal floppy connector. and some proprietary IBM cabling.
My questions are:
- Can i connect it to a pc on the floppy connector to see if it works? Power to drive the mechanism....?
- Are there any pre-made USB connectivity to put inside the casing to use the drive as a usb floppy?
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