Amiga computer related discussion => Amiga Gaming => Topic started by: nanexcool on July 01, 2003, 05:06:37 PM

Title: anyone remeber this game???
Post by: nanexcool on July 01, 2003, 05:06:37 PM
Hi!  I was lying in bed the other day, and suddenly remembered playing an Amiga game in a computer back in grade school.  I can't remember the name and was wondering if someone did.

The game consisted of a lot of domino like pieces, and you were this little guy who had to arrange the pieces on the screen, and then shove one piece, and make all the pieces fall...

Can anyone remember what's it called??  It'd be great to play it again.

Title: Re: anyone remeber this game???
Post by: Olle on July 01, 2003, 05:19:13 PM
Hey, i remember that one..  :-)

It just has to be "Pushover"

great game..

btw, welcome...
Title: Re: anyone remeber this game???
Post by: mrpig on July 01, 2003, 05:21:54 PM
There was a game called Pushover where im sure it was all on 1 screen with variuos platforms etc and you had to arrange things in order so that they all tumbled down when you pushed them.

You can see screengrabs on the rear of its box in the url below
Title: Re: anyone remeber this game???
Post by: nanexcool on July 01, 2003, 05:22:28 PM
YEAH!!! That's it!  Thank you very much!

Title: Re: anyone remeber this game???
Post by: Desolator on July 02, 2003, 09:16:49 AM
Oh man, now I'm feeling old. I remember when that game was released and that I wanted it soooo bad... :) and that was back in 1987?! Sheesh, I still play that game.. last time was 3 days ago.
Title: Re: anyone remeber this game???
Post by: Dr.Bongo on July 02, 2003, 12:08:05 PM
I think Pushover was about 1993, because it was part of the doomed A600 wierd wild and wicked pack.
Title: Re: anyone remeber this game???
Post by: XDelusion on July 02, 2003, 01:05:45 PM
Ya, Pushover isn't that old, but definatly a classic to be! I played the hell out of that one, very very addictive!