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Author Topic: Os 3.1.4 - List of bug fixes and changes by component  (Read 90480 times)


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Offline kamelito

Re: Os 3.1.4 - List of bug fixes and changes by component
« Reply #179 from previous page: December 14, 2019, 08:42:51 PM »
@Thomas Richter
« Exec now reserves 16K of chip memory for emulator business. You no longer need "PrepareEmul" or "MuMove4K" to run Shapeshifter and friends. If you need the 16K back, there is a utility on Aminet by now ("MoveLow") which restores the previous setting until the next reboot.« 

I think it should be the other way around, if users want to use an emulator they should use a tool to do so, the OS shouldn’t reserve 16k this is bad design IMO. Can you reverse this?

Offline TribbleSmasher

Re: Os 3.1.4 - List of bug fixes and changes by component
« Reply #180 on: December 14, 2019, 10:19:12 PM »
I think because the newer OS already needs more resources, it is highly incommon that the machine in question is a barebone used for playing games from disks. Therefore the ChipRAM issue is none in this regard. The machine will handle games from harddrive using WHDLoad or JST and can run Shapie without additional startup preparation.