Amiga computer related discussion => General chat about Amiga topics => Topic started by: Psycrow on April 23, 2016, 06:33:37 PM

Title: Joysticks
Post by: Psycrow on April 23, 2016, 06:33:37 PM

I am in to Winuae emulator and i need a good joystick or pad to play the games again because the keybord dosent make up for a good controller.

So atm i have this "super nintendo" joypad from ebay, but i was wondering if theer was something better to use.

I would love soime kind of joystick like the WICO COMMAND CONTROL but everywhere i look its out of stuck or else its a xbox looking controller with 100 bottons i dont need.

So where do i get my hands on a good joystick or meyba a very good pad ?

I also heard you can use a adapter from amiga port to usb but i cant even find that..not sure what the name of the adapter is