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Author Topic: I want an Amiga gaming system!  (Read 10295 times)


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Offline leirbag28

Re: I want an Amiga gaming system!
« on: February 05, 2004, 05:17:51 AM »

Listen carefully...believe me........one thing you don't want to relive of the Amiga days.is the Disk LOADING and disk SWAPPING!.................this is what I recommend and is really easy to get on eBay:

get an Amiga 1200 with a 68030 50mhz accelerator and 16 megs of RAM ( the 68030 and memory you can get later but its better to save the trouble)
Also get it with a 2gig Harddrive.

Almost all A500 games can work on it or made to work see........there is this package called WHDLoad that lets you install alot! and I mean alot! of floppy games onto the hard drive that werent even meant to be installed..get this package! you can download it on Aminet (register it later but it still works)

Then once you have this you can escape out of most games and load another one without having to reboot. You can force some to run on NTSC that were meant to be run on PAL (England's TV format) or you can force some to run in PAL that were meant to be run in NTSC...NTSC gives a slight speed up on games.

the 2 gig HD is so that you can fill it up with tons of games.......get them free on Back2theRoots  website.
Trust me this is the best setup because you can play both Old games and New AGA games..as I said, WHDLoad enables you to play many of the games meant for the A500

Get MagicMenu and ToolsDaemon so that you can run all the games straight from the Menu bar with complete ease instead of opening windows and drawers searching for games on a 2gig HD understand?
CD32 is actually the best Amiga ever made by Commodore!...

Offline leirbag28

Re: I want an Amiga gaming system!
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2004, 01:16:49 PM »

 Well as I said you would be better off with a 1200, Lionheart (great game!)  runs crappy on a 500 it runs much smoother on a 1200, too many glitches on the 500 with it. Maybe get some ram maybe 2 megs.

Anyway if you ecide on the A500, here are games to get wich are the best looking 16 bit games for the Amiag 500:

Ruff N Tumble   (looks like 256 colors!)
Elf Mania       (LOOKS LIKE 256 COLORS!)
LionHeart    (Looks like 256 colors!)
Pinball Fantasies (Better than the SNES version)
Hired Guns
Zool 2

Other good games:
Shadow of The Beast III
Battle Squadron
Outfall (used to be shareware)
ShufflePuck Cafe
Chaos Engine (Better than SNES Soldiers Of Fortune)
Another World (AKA: Out of This World better than SNES)
FlashBack (better than the SNES version)
Gods   (better than the SNES version)
Apprentice  (By Raibow Arts)
Turrican (Rainbow Arts)
Turrican II

SNES = Super Nintendo
CD32 is actually the best Amiga ever made by Commodore!...

Offline leirbag28

Re: I want an Amiga gaming system!
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2004, 10:39:20 PM »

 Boy you must be really confused. Let me help you.............first read wvwrything I said in my last posts.now read this:

I am American and live in New York....... I have had Amigas since approx 1988...... I have had almost every Amiga model made................

If you want games worthwhile playing Listen one more time.

 Get a basic A1200 if you dont want all the upgrades because even a basic 1200 has a 68020 processor with 2 megs chip. This will cover 95% of Old A500 games and 95% of AGA games  without getting too complicated just for a simple game machine. Just add a Harddrive to the 1200 which is extremely easy (1gig or 2gig if only installing games) the Amiga 500 is difficult to get these size drives, but if you can real easy..then get a 500 if you want.

 DO NOT get any joystick that was ever made for Amiga unless its a CD32 joypad. Otherwise get a SEGA Genesis 3 button or six button joypad...why? because you can use the B and C buttons on it versus the Amiga made Joysticks wich only have one........... Project X and Turrican I and Turrican II supports these and other games so that you dont have to press the stupid space bar for other weapons. In the future if you ever want to modify the SEGA pad, you can, there are hacks which supposedly turn it into a full CD32 pad by reversing the number 9 pin and the one below it ( i never tried it but soon will). Some people may tell you that a SEGA pad will damage the Amiga..........I have allways used them and NEVER ever had any problems.

This is the cheapest best possible game setup you can get.........You can buy a 1200 for like $120.00 on eBay or from redrumloa or others who probably sell them.
 Oh! and as for PAL and NTSC problems........NOT a problem at all! just press and hold both mouse buttons when you turn on your 1200 and select PAL if you want to boot in PAL.if your booting a floppy.............notnecessary if You use the WHDload installer.....with WHDLoad most games are set for PAL but if you want to run them in NTSC like me!  just TYPE: NTSC in the ToolTypes by highlighting the game icon and selecting INFORMATION on the Workbench menu. select NEW, and Type: NTSC or if its already there, just take away the parenthesis.

By the way everone here should check out the Game  OUTFALL its a tetris like game but with globs of jelly or something........Anyway This game has the best use of PAL and NTSC switching I have ever seen!!!  the timing and position of the screen remains exactly the same when you switch..this guy should talk with every game developer including the WHDLoad guys so that they can implement this PAL NTSC code to the installers instead if Nico Fracois's PAL one.

This will fix every single Amiga game ever made and make it function exactly the same way wether your in UK or USA.no more cutoff screens at the Bottom!
CD32 is actually the best Amiga ever made by Commodore!...

Offline leirbag28

Re: I want an Amiga gaming system!
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2004, 10:51:40 PM »
Oh if your still confused..then get an A500 and practice with that for a while......you cant lose cuz they are really really cheap, then you can sell it later or just give it away.
CD32 is actually the best Amiga ever made by Commodore!...

Offline leirbag28

Re: I want an Amiga gaming system!
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2004, 03:38:42 PM »

 Yes, I am saying SEGA joypads work..just plug them right in...........DO NOT however plug in wireless SEGA pads...........they wont work unless you modify them.

 And yes, I do have an Amiga CD32 with an SX32 Pro 68030 50 Mhz and 128mb and 2.1gig HD (getting ready to attach a 40gig I just purchased). And Yes this play all the Amiga games because this is essentially an Amiga 1200 inside a console box with a CD-ROM drive. This is my main setup and probably the best set up for most Amiga games.................Now why didn't I recomend it to you before?  because this set up will cost you more than most other set ups unless you get an SX-1 instead of the SX32.......basically an SX1 and SX32 simply add all the ports of a computer plus a hard drive and memory to the Amiga CD32 console.
 See the Amiga CD32 can not only play most A500 games and A1200 Games (AGA), but it can also play CD32 games and Amiga CDTV games as well as music CD's, CD+G (Karoake CD's) and even Video CD movies if you have a Full Motion Video Cartridge like I have. (VideoCD was the format that was introduced before DVD came out). Like I said, I have many many old games working on this flawlessly.like Project-X, Sword Of Sodan, Hybris, Zool, Shadow of the Beast 1,2 and 3, Turrican I and II, Pacmania, MotherLode, Shufflepuck Cafe, Pinball Dreams, Pinball Fantasies, Pinball Illusions, SlamTilt (probably the best game made for AGA amigas) love that game darn it!

If you do want one of these, they are fairly easy to get..but not so easy to get an SX-1 and even 10 times harder to get an SX32 pro.........I happen to have an extra SX32 pro 50Mhz but it doesnt work and one chip fell off and needs to be soldered on.

Now as for the A1200 in a tower.....dont bother...........(hey that rhymes).its not a real A1200. well it is but, it was towered up by someone.they don't come that way and I DONT recommend it right now for your needs......remeber yo can always buy...and then sell what you don't want on ebay very easily. So the 1200 in a keyboard style is the way to go....thats the way it comes from the factory.
CD32 is actually the best Amiga ever made by Commodore!...

Offline leirbag28

Re: I want an Amiga gaming system!
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2004, 11:24:45 PM »
@ Jetracer: @leirbag28: There's no such thing as a 16-bit Amiga. It was 32-bit from day one. Busses and custom chips has nothing to do with the definition, only the CPU. The entire 68K family is 32-bit. Calling A500 16-bit is like saying every x86 with SDRAM or DDR is 64-bit.

When I said an A500 is 16 bit, I don't mean in actuallity. I mean it's comparable bottomline to a 16 bit game system...for example:

A500 is somewhat equivalent of a SEGA Genesis
A600 somewhat comparable to a SuperNintendo
A1200 is somewhere between a SNES and a PLAYSTATION

as far as games are concerned.

I believe this to be extremely accurate when it comes to games. yes some amigas can be enhanced to  do much better but I refer to a stock Amiga.

The reason A600 is comparable to a SNES is because it comes with ECS and 1 meg chip but it has to have 2megs to be really comparable.
They have Zool, Chaos Engine, Gods, Pinball Fantasies and Turrican for the SNES...and with the exception of Super Turrican, The rest suck! the amiga versions are better or comparable....... mind you the SNES can displa 256 colors on games all the time while very few amiga games have more than 32 or 64 colors......which is why I love Ruff N Tumble, Lionheart, and ElfMania so much, cuz they prove Amiga can take the consoles head on and win...........and a SEGA Genesis can only display a max of 64 colors with seriously awfull resolution.
CD32 is actually the best Amiga ever made by Commodore!...

Offline leirbag28

Re: I want an Amiga gaming system!
« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2004, 10:52:01 PM »
jjsans:  DO NOT go by those screnshots of the Amiga RF modulator.........those screenshots look like crap and in no way do justice to what a A520 looks like........trust me it looks much better than that, I have 2 of them right here and just tested them and they look crisp.when connected with the Video composite. and im sure the RF looks pretty good too.

Someone metioned something about a 3000?  anyone got the Super kickstart on a floppy they could send me? maybe as an adf file?

CD32 is actually the best Amiga ever made by Commodore!...

Offline leirbag28

Re: I want an Amiga gaming system!
« Reply #7 on: February 08, 2004, 10:57:26 PM »

just get the A500 and later get an A1200..........no big deal
they are both good for games
its not complicated at all.

And some people here keep saying it will be difficult to find games. BALONEY!!!!!

they are super duper duper easy to find..and best of all, for FREE!!!!

remember this:    "back2theroots"

thats the website to get all your gaming needs and for free!....... they have some of the best Amiga games ever made there........ like ProjectX, SuperFrog, and so many more I cant remember at the moment.even AGA versions

so dont get complicated.......get a plain A500 and thats it........it will work fine just like that.no need to add anything.....there are plenty of games that run on 512k of mem if thats all it has.......so dont worry..just get it.and later sell it on eBay.and get a 1200.

CD32 is actually the best Amiga ever made by Commodore!...

Offline leirbag28

Re: I want an Amiga gaming system!
« Reply #8 on: February 08, 2004, 11:42:56 PM »

I dont know where you saw an A500 for $130.00
but it should not cost more than $40.00 for an A500, and do not pay a dime more unless its upgraded. an A1200 you can get for about $120.00 and I would not pay a dime more for a basic setup. If you really do some searching, you can find an A500 for $20.00 or less!
CD32 is actually the best Amiga ever made by Commodore!...

Offline leirbag28

Re: I want an Amiga gaming system!
« Reply #9 on: February 09, 2004, 01:39:44 AM »
How do you find it for applications run from Workbench?

What do you mean? do you mean if it needs drivers?

the answer is NO..you just plug it in the RGB port and it functions just like if you were to connect a SEGA genesis or SNES or PSone to a TV.......using the composite.
CD32 is actually the best Amiga ever made by Commodore!...

Offline leirbag28

Re: I want an Amiga gaming system!
« Reply #10 on: February 09, 2004, 02:50:52 PM »

No one here in North America knows what a SCART led is.......here in America we use S-Video (Chroma and Luma) and since no amiga except the CDTV and CD32 have S-Video out, you have to get a Genlock wich wil give you the S-Video out and then connect it to a S-Video TV  and the picture looks almost as good as an RGB monitor
CD32 is actually the best Amiga ever made by Commodore!...

Offline leirbag28

Re: I want an Amiga gaming system!
« Reply #11 on: February 09, 2004, 03:00:54 PM »
@jjans: How do you find it for applications run from Workbench?

 Ah ok, now I understand the question......(thanks mepmepmep)

For Applications run from Workbench, it does not look very readable especially because of the flickering...........BUT.......I have managed to make it look godd using Visual Prefs to reduce the fliskering and using larger fonts to make text more readable. Anyone whoever connects any kind of computer to a TV must do this anyway, unless you have a really large TV.  The way Visual Prefs can help you is by changing the colors of the lines around the window borders to a light grey for the Shine and a dark grey for the shadow..because what causes alot of the flickering, is the contrast between the very thin white line and the very thin black line......ah, also double the thickness of the window border lines and the button borders.......youll see a huge difference. Thats why if you ver connected a Windows PC to a TV, you'll notice is flickers alot less than Workbench.............this is one of the reasons, because their window borders have thicker lines of 2 pixels or more, while workbench in Highres Interlace mode has a very thin one like maybe one pixel thick, that includes the little line under the Title bar.
CD32 is actually the best Amiga ever made by Commodore!...