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Author Topic: new website and new versions of Aros Vision  (Read 5396 times)


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Offline OlafS3Topic starter

new website and new versions of Aros Vision
« on: April 10, 2016, 07:09:40 PM »
I have some news

I have redesigned http://www.aros-platform.de, it is now not only visuell improved but also full supporting mobile devices like smartphones and tablets.

The page also includes download links for Aros Vision RTG 3.1 (for UAE). Most important changes are different desktops (Magellan, Scalos, Wanderer) and implementations of MUi (Zune, MUI 3.8 and MUI 4). The system files are updated and f.e. Amiblitz.

New is Aros Vision PAL that is optimized for slower hardware and is much smaller. Because I cannot test it myself I would be grateful to get feedback.