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Author Topic: gears demo ppc ?  (Read 1508 times)


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Offline Back2skooldazeTopic starter

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gears demo ppc ?
« on: August 01, 2023, 06:12:41 PM »
Hi Ive been away from amiga for a while but now booted up my a1200/mediator Ive got roms 3.2 installed and all the mediator stuff/usb etc...
I tried to load and play blitzquake 68k which gives me an error can not start gfx.wad ? I also can't get wipeout 2097 to play after the startup screen? Ive installed all the warp drivers etc.. but now i'm back on the amiga which im waiting for my pistorm I want to get back to the quake and  wipe out, but before i go any further can someone please direct me to the gears demo that i read about in order to make sure my setup is working properly? I have voodoo300 installed.
Ive got warpUP-WarpOS with Run WarpRace All PPC working with its perfomance test.. Theres another demo that shows a landscape in different screen sizes thats working ok? Voxel space is working? So im not sure whether theres something regarding blitzquake gfx.wad or where to get it as i have other wads?
Im using a blizzard PPC603e at the moment which i'll switch out for the pistorm lite and mess with speed settings..

But for now i need to install gears demo and check thats working ok.

Offline lionstorm

Re: gears demo ppc ?
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2023, 09:45:49 PM »
I would guess it is included in the Warp3D package
you can get Warp3D 4.2a from aminet http://aminet.net/driver/video/Warp3D-4.2a.lha

Offline Boing-ball

Re: gears demo ppc ?
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2023, 09:58:50 PM »
Hi Ive been away from amiga for a while but now booted up my a1200/mediator Ive got roms 3.2 installed and all the mediator stuff/usb etc...
I tried to load and play blitzquake 68k which gives me an error can not start gfx.wad ? I also can't get wipeout 2097 to play after the startup screen? Ive installed all the warp drivers etc.. but now i'm back on the amiga which im waiting for my pistorm I want to get back to the quake and  wipe out, but before i go any further can someone please direct me to the gears demo that i read about in order to make sure my setup is working properly? I have voodoo300 installed.
Ive got warpUP-WarpOS with Run WarpRace All PPC working with its perfomance test.. Theres another demo that shows a landscape in different screen sizes thats working ok? Voxel space is working? So im not sure whether theres something regarding blitzquake gfx.wad or where to get it as i have other wads?
Im using a blizzard PPC603e at the moment which i'll switch out for the pistorm lite and mess with speed settings..

But for now i need to install gears demo and check thats working ok.

It’s part of the the Warp3D installation. But you should know this…. Especially as you are a member over on EAB for the past 20 years…