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3.9 in 1920x1200
3.9 in 1920x1200
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Description: This is Workbench 3.9 running at 1920x1200. Looks lovely. I want to run 3.1 in 1920x1200 but failed all the time!

The image is resized to 1600x1000. If you want the original look here http://hem.bredband.net/erkorh/temp/forum/wb.jpg
Picture Stats:
Views: 2476
Filesize: 262.25kB
Height: 768 Width: 1024
Posted by: cv643d at July 23, 2005, 07:03:42 PM

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Comments (5)

December 14, 2005, 03:47:35 AM
thats a lot of stuff there
July 26, 2005, 02:24:42 AM
BVision will happily do 1600x1200x16-bit at 75Hz. That's what I use on my system unless I am in need of VRAM.

The maximum supported bitmap width on the Permedia2 is 2048 pixels, hence no screenmode can exceed that.

For voodoo / mediator I expect larger resolutions are possible, provided the driver / rtg allows it.
July 25, 2005, 10:30:47 AM
I think you would need at least a BVisionPPC which has 8MB of VRam on it or you'll need a mediator with a voodoo card. As far as i know no zorro graphics card supports such a big screenmode.
July 24, 2005, 11:31:08 AM
I am running in WinUAE, forgot to tell that  :-)
It is running in 16 bit color.

Can any Zorro board do 1920x1200? I would love to run a real hardware Amiga with 3.1 in this resolution. I have heard that 3.1 only supports up to 1600x1200 but shouldnt you be able to specify your own resoultions in CGX or P96?
July 23, 2005, 08:07:44 PM
What kind of hardware are you running and what colour depth and number of colours?  :-)

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