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FPGA64 on Minimig V1.1 board
FPGA64 on Minimig V1.1 board
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Description: Here it is: a working FPGA64 core on Minimig V1.1 board.
Thanks to Dirk "dirkv" it could be done :-)

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Posted by: boing4000 at January 14, 2009, 10:21:03 PM

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Comments (5)

January 20, 2009, 09:31:26 PM
Cool! So any chance of a menu on startup to select between cores? That way the MiniMig could operate as either a C64 or an Amiga depending on which core is selected. Mind you, the same could be achieved by having two SD cards - one with the Amiga core and ADFs on, and the other with the C64 core and D64s(?) on.

Regarding copyright issues, I don't know whether Cloanto have permission to distribute the C64 ROM images in C64 Forever, but if they have they might be allowed to distribute the C64 MiniMig core for you. Alternatively, could you distribute the core without the ROM data (zero it all out as you suggested) plus a utility to re-insert a separate ROM image in the correct place in the core? That way the user could provide their own ROM image and you wouldn't have any copyright issues to worry about.

January 20, 2009, 07:19:53 PM
Just replace the minimig1.bin against a new one on sd-card and startup minimig. Pic will upload this new core file into FPGA (its s-ram based model) and it show/act as programmed.
After power down all data (circuits) inside the FPGA will be lost and has to be reloaded by PIC next time :)
Only the PIC is flashram based and keep its date inside, also has to be updated (reflashed) via RS232 cable or PIC-programmer.

All new minimig fpga core file can simply be stored on sd-card and work instandly.
PIC needs to be flashed.

Due to copyright issue Im not able to releas any C64 core nor its source files. Included ROM data in binary and source had to be removed or replaced by "00" value to make it legal.
Im owner of some real C64 computer, so its legal for me to use.
January 15, 2009, 12:50:22 PM
Do you have to flash the FPGA to change the core, or does the MiniMig board allow you to load the core from the SD card?

January 15, 2009, 06:25:27 AM
Woohooo! 8-)
Now, where to get it?
January 15, 2009, 04:53:24 AM
awesome :-D  ahhh such a heart warming screen !

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