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Author Topic: AmigaOS 4 Monthly Roundup  (Read 20986 times)


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Offline nbache

Re: AmigaOS 4 Monthly Roundup
« on: December 30, 2023, 06:19:58 PM »

The AmigaOS 4 Monthly Roundup for December 2023 has just been released.

https://amigaos4gaming.wordpress.com/2 ... ly-roundup-december-2023/
Looks like the link is broken - the embedded URL is similar to the displayed one with "..." etc. It lands you on your front page, but luckily the link to the roundup is there, so just one extra click ;-).

And while I'm at it: Thank you for your great roundups! Always enjoy them (even if I'm not good at chiming in in the threads).

Best regards,


Offline nbache

Re: AmigaOS 4 Monthly Roundup
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2023, 11:07:32 PM »
@nbache Link fixed! :)
Comfirmed! Thanks.

Best regards,


Offline nbache

Re: AmigaOS 4 Monthly Roundup
« Reply #2 on: February 29, 2024, 09:28:59 AM »
Thanks for the Roundup - as usual great reading!

And thanks for mentioning our catalog updates for AmiUpdate - but you fail to mention the reason for them: That Rigo has released several new versions of the AmiUpdate program itself recently (and is probably not finished with this round yet). He has also improved some aspects of the AmiUpdate web server in the process. All in all, worth a mention, I should think.

While I'm at it: "Luettje Bookholler" is not "German" as such, it is a dialect of German; I forgot which one, but it has been mentioned elsewhere not so long ago. It's probably also in the docs (I don't use it myself, my wife sorts out all our economic matters here :-D).

Best regards,
