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Author Topic: Multiview in AmigaOS 3.1.4 having issues with drag 'n drop  (Read 3212 times)


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Offline my_pc_is_amigaTopic starter

Multiview in AmigaOS 3.1.4 having issues with drag 'n drop
« on: January 21, 2019, 11:44:34 PM »
If I open multiview with Execute (amiga-E) from workbench and load a text file from a requester, the text file loads properly.  I then use Workbench to go to another file and drag that icon into the multiview window, multiview will not respond to open up file and I get a error message in title bar saying icon cannot be dragged into this window. 

However, if I again load a text file via the "Open" menu item in multiview, I can load a new text file.  And then if I drag an icon into this window, it works!