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JuneBUG DJ machine Amiga 600 with CDROM and MASPLAYER
JuneBUG   DJ machine Amiga 600 with CDROM and MASPLAYER
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Description: Here is the back of the unit, Sporting a MASPLAYER MP3 decoder..........a Slimline internal CDROM drive...and a DCTV connected to the RGB port........I was going to make holes for USB ports, a I have the Clockport expansion inside..........but this A600 is only 7mhz.......no processor upgrade...which is why I hope that HPacito guy makes the one he is working on into the right shape to allow an internal CDROM without removing the Floppy.
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Posted by: leirbag28 at April 27, 2006, 10:10:18 PM

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Comments (2)

September 16, 2006, 04:18:44 AM
I popped them off...........then I labeled them with a marker underneath (I didnt paint underneath the individual keys so that I know where they belong when I am done.

After painting them and drying........I put them back on.......then I placed keyboard sticker letters that I purchased previously........that make the keyboard into English/Korean (not that I wanted Korean, ut it had English letters too and was in a matte black finish)

I used a flat black............the job is still not done..........i have to spray paint it with clear Matte finish to give it that nice matte very semi shine finish. Plus to protect the paint and the keyboard stickers from coming off. :-D
September 01, 2006, 02:40:35 PM
how did you paint the keys?

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