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Author Topic: Will there every be another computer like the amiga?  (Read 14845 times)


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Re: Will there every be another computer like the amiga?
« Reply #14 on: March 19, 2010, 01:58:38 AM »
Quote from: tone007;548385
I don't want them to do anything, let them keep their 30 second wait for all I care.  I was just commenting the issue was a single value (in seconds) in the registry that needed to be changed, which is as easy as typing "regedit" and typing in a new number in a box.  Scary l33t stuff, that is.

Here is something you do not understand:

A very small amount of people know how computers work, beyond "press buttan, reccev porno".

A very small amount of people actually want to.

Only the above group of people would know how to do that.

Quote from: tone007;548385
..oh, and as for Windows updates... You can take a copy of Windows XP released in 2001 and update it to the most current service pack, patches, etc, for free.  If you've got a copy of OS X from 2001, guess what, you have to buy a new version if you want something newer.  I'll take downloading a couple hundred megs in patches over spending money anyday, not that Apple doesn't make you download large patches to get from 10.4 to 10.4.11, etc.

okay, you're a moron. Reading this literally gave me the opposite of an epiphany. I think I actually felt my brain kernel panic. It's weird, like there's a load of pressure inside your brain, and it gets yanked forward suddenly, your thought process stops totally, you become newborn child levels of stupid, barely sapient for a second. Then, you snap back to your normal level of intelligence, but you feel confused, and full of rage as your brain tries, and fails to proccess the fact that somebody actually thinks that way. It's probably the closest experience to having a stroke I've ever had, and if it weren't for the fact it lasted two seconds and was cause by reading something, I'd be on the way to hospital right now (or shaking on the floor). Congradulations, you just invented the text equivalent of the brown note.

The reason that you have to pay for new OSX operating system releases, is that they are new operating system releases. They are not free, because they aren't. just as windows vista is not a free upgrade for XP, panther is not a free upgrade for jaguar. It's exactly the same. apple doesn't make "service packs" because they are capable of actually improving the operating system in less than seven years.

I love the service pack model. "lets release lots of tiny minor insignifcant fixes constantly, but anything important can wait for a couple of year while we build it into a 2GB monstrosity of a patch that basically replaces the entire OS install and takes forever to download".

Everyone else: "lol no. We find a problem, we fix it as soon as."
« Last Edit: March 19, 2010, 02:10:42 AM by Hell Labs »
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Re: Will there every be another computer like the amiga?
« Reply #15 on: March 19, 2010, 02:18:31 AM »
Quote from: tone007;548391
I understand that perfectly, and rest assured, even those people will have the problem fixed.

good. Now read the rest of the post.

Quote from: tone007;548391
Only because Steve Jobs needed some spending money.  It's still OSX, they just picked the "pay for play" route.  Want to use OSX for 10 years? You're going to buy it a few times and spend alot more than you'd pay for XP.

No. There's so many changes between each release, so many new apis, large sections of the OS re written or replaced, new features added. It's completely different to just adding more service packs to XP. I mean, there's nothing bar some security tools added by SP2/3 and absoltely nothing at all by SP1. The difference between 10.0 and 10.3, for example, is greater than the difference between win2k and win7. the entire graphical side of the OS + NS apis have been rewritten several times over as of 10.6. Hell, on the same hardware, OSX releases have gotten FASTER.

Let us compare "still OSX":

First version:

Display postscript, OS9 UI, no hardware acceleration.

Latest version:

Quartz, 3D accelerated desktop, transparency, multiple desktop, ported to a different cpu arch, new user interface, openCL (gpgpu), GCD, and many many more apis than those, etc.

Congratulations on being wrong, I guess.

Quote from: tone007;548391
Obviously you don't know what a service pack is.  It's a rollup of those "tiny minor fixes," bundled into one for convenience, just like Apple does.  Sure, they usually add something different to make it worth doing the rollup and rollout, but most of it is old work repackaged to save time.

...That essentially is a reinstall of the OS, complete with setup "please wait" screen. Yaaaaaay.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2010, 02:27:48 AM by Hell Labs »
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Re: Will there every be another computer like the amiga?
« Reply #16 on: March 19, 2010, 10:15:55 AM »
Quote from: paolone;548414
Sorry to say that again, but you urgently need to learn how to use computers. None of your sentences is true, and any just-averagely-skilled Windows user can easily subscribe.

Everything you say is wrong. Be quiet.

Quote from: paolone;548414
The need to backup your datas is true for any operating system, since your hard drive may  break any time. You don't even need to backup your documents, because if you are just a little smart, you know data must be placed in a different volume than system files (even Linux admins will tell you that /home must be placed on a different partition than  /). If you are used to place your data together with your system files, then your are doing an extremely wrong thing. You don't need antiviruses, if you just set up an admin user and a regular user, and then use the first for mantainance, and the second for regolar computing.

That's not what he meant. He was referring to the phenomena of "windows rot" where the computer gradually slows down, and only a reinstall can fix it. This is a very real thing.

Quote from: paolone;548414
if I shouldn't tell you, there are NO WGA restrictions that forbid to use hacked/cracked/pirated software (you shouldn't use it anyway), and you actually can use your open source codecs to encode whatever you wish on any Windows version, Vista and 7 included.

He was referring to the copy protection of the OS itself.

Quote from: paolone;548414
The only DRM you'll find is the one connected to the Windows Media Player when you have to deal with DHCP-protected contents, and it's exactly the same kind of DRM you'll find on ANY blu-ray disc player, since Microsoft wouldn't get permission to play those contents, if they didn't pay for their license and protect digital rights that way.

...And the DRM stopping you from pirating the OS, which he was actually talking about.

Quote from: paolone;548414
the end, a MacOS and more in general an Apple user shouldn't ever talk about restrictions of freedom to Windows users: in Italy we have a good motto for this, "sembra il bue che dà del cornuto all'asino", which basically means that you shouldn't laugh about someone else's problems, when yours are bigger in the same area.

What? Macs have NO copy protection or DRM of any kind. iTunes is DRM free now, and you can install your copy of OS X on an infinite amount of computers and make as many "backup copies" as you like. My 1999 G3 iMac has the system software from a 2004 eMac G4, on DVD-R. No problem installing.
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Re: Will there every be another computer like the amiga?
« Reply #17 on: March 19, 2010, 01:55:19 PM »
Quote from: slayer;548431
I for one am hoping the X1000 is as expensive as they can make it... I love the idea of running a top system again out of the hands of the weak and unworthy :roflmao:

LIke I've always said the Amiga doesn't need any help from anyone... it'll be fine just on its own... It's an exciting time for us!

This is a troll post right? Are we trying to give me another nanostroke?
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Re: Will there every be another computer like the amiga?
« Reply #18 on: March 19, 2010, 06:47:35 PM »
Quote from: paolone;548499
1. I've already answered about this.

No you haven't.

Quote from: paolone;548499
2. and 3. There's no copy protection for the OS itself. There is a license checking that prevents people from STEALING the ability to run a commercial operating system if you haven't paid for it. And IMHO you can't argue against Microsoft for protecting their IPs.

err, rewind here. First you say:

Quote from: paolone;548499
2. and 3. There's no copy protection for the OS  itself.

Then you say:

Quote from: paolone;548499
There is a license checking that prevents people from STEALING the  ability to run a commercial operating system if you haven't paid for it.

You just proved yourself wrong in the next sentence. Give him a big clap everyone, he deserves it.

Quote from: paolone;548499
And NO, "I got tired of not being able to encode video in any of the open source encoders" is definitely NOT related to the inability to duplicate the Windows disc.

I never said it was, and he never said it was. You clearly aren't as good at english as you think you are; this is basic reading comprehension.

Also, you can't just copy the disc without cracking it, even with an ISO program. I've tried. It actually tells you it's priated.

Quote from: paolone;548499
4. Yes yes, I know that iPhone (which should be an Apple product, isn't it?) is the most open, freedom-wise smartphone all over the world. iPhoners just like to "unlock" it to amuse themselves. And well, everybody knows MacOS for being the most self-exposing operating system.

Why are you talking about the iPhone? It's a phone. It's not relevent to a computer disscussion

And MacOS, or MacOS X? I'll cover both to show you how wrong you are.


Big ass bundles of developer documentation, right down to every weird little detail of the hardware were avalible. In fact There is a website, where the developers have explained how the system itself works, in a clear and detailed manner, occasionally even releasing source code.

If you meant something stupid, like "the command line is hidden blah blah blah", bare in mind that the macintosh hardware was actually completely incapable of supporting text mode. On first boot, before the operating system is actually loaded even slightly, it's already drawing the mouse cursor. There is no text support in hardware, it's all graphical. As a consiquence, everything is done through the GUI, nothing is left out.

(this is a good thing, the command line is terrible and slower than a GUI. Studies have actually shown that the perceved difference in speed is due to the brain "hourglassing", where you are unconcious as you remember what next to type. The whole thing is smoothed over by the brain. I suppose you could call it a form of amnesia.)

MacOS X:

The entire OS, bar the NS apis and windowing engine, is open source. It's unix. It's just unix. Everyone can do anything. My main Mac doesn't run an apple kernel, for example, I use one with more hardware support.

As with the first mac os, everything is documented. It has been since roughly 1988 when the NeXT was launched. you can do what you like. How do you think they know how to jailbreak the iPhone?
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Re: Will there every be another computer like the amiga?
« Reply #19 on: March 19, 2010, 07:29:02 PM »
Quote from: runequester;548554
I love how the iphone gets trotted out as an argument that the Mac OS is locked down..

Really it's just more evidence that anti-apple zelots don't really know anything about them in the slightest.
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Re: Will there every be another computer like the amiga?
« Reply #20 on: March 19, 2010, 10:30:08 PM »
Quote from: kolla;548596
I would be one of them, and I bet I have more apple products than you :)

Meh. I think between 76-85 and 98-04 apple were incredibly awesome. 85-98 was nothing but money grabbing because the people in charge didn't "know" computers, and 98-04 they pulled a finger out of their arses. Right now though, the hardware is boring, both archectuarly and athstetically, and the advertisements piss me right off. I'm not so sure they're giving the Macintosh the attention it deserves right now. But then again if it was up to me, everything after system 6 would have been done completely different. pre-emptive multitasking MacOS... God. I need to win the lottery. How much do you recon the rights to the old mac os are worth?
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Re: Will there every be another computer like the amiga?
« Reply #21 on: March 19, 2010, 10:57:01 PM »
The avarige 2005 PC can't even run xp any more. When I was running my celeron/512mb system I wanted to cut my dick off every time I tried to open a word processor and firefox at the same time. it's weird how the system requirements for Xp are 128mb ram, but it uses just under 350 on first boot. No weird load-on-startup programs installed, theming turned off.


Oh yeah, Did you know that NTs design was based on VMS as well as OS/2? And they stole the TCP/IP stack from BSD.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2010, 11:03:44 PM by Hell Labs »
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Re: Will there every be another computer like the amiga?
« Reply #22 on: March 19, 2010, 11:05:41 PM »
Quote from: koaftder;548610
I've had some slow computing experiences in my time spent here on Earth, but never once have I ever thought about cutting my dick off because of it.

It was about the same as this level of rage. There's a point where you just want to break everything, all at once.
A1200 Computer Combat. OS3.0. No accelerator, no fastram, mouse soon. And ebaying it.

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Re: Will there every be another computer like the amiga?
« Reply #23 on: March 19, 2010, 11:31:23 PM »
Quote from: kolla;548621
How do one steal from BSD? :hammer:

They weren't exactly shouting from the rooftops "hey! we suck so much at network software, we had to use this instead of making our own!" In fact i'm not sure that, as a company they acknowledge the use of BSD code at all.
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Re: Will there every be another computer like the amiga?
« Reply #24 on: March 19, 2010, 11:47:26 PM »
shitty coding and useless features.

To be honest if the software industry (except games) stopped in 1995, nothing of any importance would be lost.
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Re: Will there every be another computer like the amiga?
« Reply #25 on: March 20, 2010, 03:16:48 AM »
Quote from: koaftder;548640
If you get to the point of rage like the guy in the video you posted: You have serious issues. This dude tried to shove a remote up his ass over his mom canceling his WOW account, but that's not nearly as bad as cutting your dick off over win XP.

Dick is still attached. If you're interested, I actually kicked through the front of the tower case in one go. Emachines cases are really, really weak. Foot>pot metal.
A1200 Computer Combat. OS3.0. No accelerator, no fastram, mouse soon. And ebaying it.

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Re: Will there every be another computer like the amiga?
« Reply #26 on: March 20, 2010, 02:09:06 PM »
I'd just like to go on record, smerf is delusional.
A1200 Computer Combat. OS3.0. No accelerator, no fastram, mouse soon. And ebaying it.

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Re: Will there every be another computer like the amiga?
« Reply #27 on: March 21, 2010, 05:45:25 PM »
Quote from: paolone;548835
1. Hell lab doesn't even deserve an answer anymore, due to his poor argumenting, please don't go down deep to his level. I perfectly understood what you originally said and I rightly answered to YOU, to both the "protection of Windows itself" and "inability to use open source codecs" sentences. Then he entered the discussion and didn't add anything intersting, just tried to reverse words as he wished, like kids do on forums. But I have already answered to him once, and it's enough. I just have to apologize since I had not been enough clear about MacOS attitudes not to expose itself, but I don't understand his claiming that this discussion is on computers only, so iPhones should be off-topic. In my answer to you I've clearly said "MacOS and more in general Apple users", but maybe my poor english is not enough clear for him. Sorry for that. I will go away.

I'm not sure if you actually speak english, or if you're using google translate. At any rate, you don't really understand what other people are saying.

Quote from: paolone;548835
And, in particular, don't tell me about G3s running MacOS X opposed to 2005 PCs that can't run windows 7, since I perfectly know how MacOS X runs on a G3: I REMOVED it for desperation from my G3/500 iBook since it was painfully slow, and downgraded it to MacOS classic 9.1. Yes, you can run MacOS X prior to Leopard even on ol G3 machines, but you have to expand them or just wait for ages that any silly operation will be performed. The same thing you have to do to a 2005 PC to run Windows 7 (I have a bad news for you: it works). Anyway, you don't buy Leopard or Windows 7 to run them on old hardware.

10.3 runs fine for me. G3/400, 512mb.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2010, 07:06:00 PM by Argo »
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Re: Will there every be another computer like the amiga?
« Reply #28 from previous page: March 21, 2010, 07:35:06 PM »
Quote from: Karlos;549034
As with all things, mileage varies. I had to work with 10.2/10.3 and Server 10.3 on old PPC macs in a previous job and it was a total pain. Unresponsive, crash prone and to add insult to injury, the server edition totally screwed up it's own filesystem one morning and couldn't be recovered. The disk itself was fine. Were it not for a regular backup, we'd have been up the creek without a paddle.

Well, something was broke then. Xserve, or powermac? I've never really heard of problems like that.

Quote from: koaftder;549016
stop being a dick, please
I value honesty over manners.
A1200 Computer Combat. OS3.0. No accelerator, no fastram, mouse soon. And ebaying it.