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Author Topic: New articles on Obligement  (Read 3197 times)


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Offline Pat the Cat

Re: New articles on Obligement
« on: March 02, 2021, 11:36:57 PM »
The Perry Kivolowitz interview explained a lot to me about where ASDG for their 24 bit graphics that led into MorphPlus and beyond.

I never worked that out, having the 3rd desktop color scanner in America had a lot to do with it. Great software Morph Plus.

I like to think of it as a mostly software graphics card with minimum needed hardware needed.
"To recurse is human. To iterate, divine."

A1200, Vanilla, Surf Squirrel, SD Card, KS 3.0/3.z, PCMCIA dev
A500, Vanilla, A570, Rev 5, KS 1.2/1.3 Testbench system
Rasp Pi, UAE4ARM, 3D laser scanner, experimental, hoping for AmigaOS4Arm, based on Watterott Fabscan Pi