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The Earth Alliance vs the Colonial Federation
The Earth Alliance vs the Colonial Federation
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Description: Hi, This was one of the first 3D work I ever did. Its over 10 years old and was done on a 16Mb 133Mhz PC running Imagine 3.0
I tried to do it on my A500+ using imagine but I gave up and then one day PCFormat gave imagine for DOS away for free. Oh happy days. It was touched up in Corel and then later in Photoshop.
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Views: 2766
Filesize: 24.55kB
Height: 768 Width: 1024
Posted by: mantisspider at December 13, 2003, 06:15:16 PM

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Comments (6)

June 29, 2009, 11:08:04 AM
Re BSG, I think you guys are totally missing the point. The concept was to create a society as close to ours as possible, with the exception of having space flight. Beyond that the society is just like ours, with the same failings.

Whilst I agree that having the same alphabet (and more amusingly same system of units) seems a bit lame, I think the overall concept was quite brave. It's much easier to identify with the people.
April 21, 2007, 01:51:39 PM
Crap Indeed,

The new serie sucks a lot, all have a big mouth and think they are the man. Stupid macho crap shut it down. Space above and beyond was better than this. Not that i liked it but it had a story.
February 10, 2007, 07:36:07 PM
New serie is a crap! Planets in outer world who have the alphabet we have, etc, etc....
October 25, 2005, 09:37:24 PM
yep, Starbuck is a girl.
the new Battlestar Galactica is awesome.. I never saw the old one ..dont really care to....cant wait for next season.  :-)
November 02, 2004, 12:09:15 PM
is it true they made starbuck a girl???????
February 19, 2004, 08:11:54 PM
Some how reminds me of Battlestar Galactica (the old series not that new crap they have on now.)

Looks Cool.

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