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Author Topic: Archiving Vintage Amiga Floppies and using them in an emulator  (Read 290 times)


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Offline scm2000Topic starter

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This post is more of a review than a question.
While I'm still on the lookout for an affordable and serviceable Amiga 1000, I have been using Amiga Forever to play the included games, and demos and do some BASIC programming.

Wanting to try to get back to what I had back in the 80's I found a great copy of Deluxe Paint II on Ebay.  The original box, manual, other sheets and the 2 floppies -- Key disk and Art disk.

I bought that understanding such old floppies might not work at all, but at least I'd have it as an artifact.

I bought a floppy drive with integrated GreaseWeezle board...(on ebay) The Amiga forever documentation indicates I should be able to use that as a "real" drive in the emulator to read Amiga floppies on the fly.   But not wanting to add any wear and tear to the two disks, what I did do was archive the two to .adf image files.   I noted that the key disk read fine, and the Art disk, had two spots where it did a retry...   I think that's amazing condition for such old floppies.

From there it was a simple matter to mount the images in the Amiga settings, and there I was, back in the 80's running  Deluxe Paint!

After going through the process once, I realized that i should be able to use the same drive to archive floppies from other personal computer systems and other types of floppy drives.    I see a lot of 5 inch floppies available on Ebay, and so my mind is turning to putting together a drive and Weezle board myself.