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Ubuntu + UAE + WB3 combo
Ubuntu + UAE + WB3 combo
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Description: My new setup. New-ish WB3.1 install with NewIcons & MCP, running on E-UAE.

Rather than using E-UAE full screen, I am running it in a window with the Amiga screenmode set to the same width as the Ubuntu desktop (1680). This way I can have the Ubuntu program launcher showing, allowing me to have access to modern web browser etc, but I never see the Ubuntu desktop itself, so I can forget it's there :)

There's probably other people who do it this way, but I only just thought about it!

The background is from Twin Peaks and the Ubuntu interface is New Wave Dark Menus + Human.
Picture Stats:
Views: 1087
Filesize: 272.49kB
Height: 768 Width: 1024
Posted by: Pete_Noir at September 03, 2009, 04:12:43 PM

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