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Author Topic: Loosing faith in the Amiga "community", like so many before me  (Read 22253 times)


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Offline MikeBTopic starter

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Loosing faith in the Amiga "community", like so many before me
« on: October 12, 2002, 07:12:53 PM »
I am severely disappointed with so many people within the Amiga community. People have been spreading so much mis-information and lies since Bill and Fleecy bought Amiga for around 4,5 million dollar two years ago, it disgusts me!

Although I am glad to see that AmigaDE, AmigaOS4 and MorphOS teams are making good progress. My recent MorphOS review has brought me to even more insight. When I contacted Thendic-France I got so much uncalled for "confidential" FUD and misinformation attached with regard to other Amiga companies, it truly disgusts me to no end.

Then the personal threats coming from inside the MorphOS team, and when presenting them to the management of bPlan, Thendic, Ralph, does not result in *any* kind of response!

I am fed up with all these childish individuals who have shaped the face of "Amiga" to the outside world for far too long. I am going to stand at the sidelines from  now on. Currently this "community" is no fun for me anymore, and for me personally  that was the most important aspect.

I hope something will change eventually, but considering the enormous efforts in the past geared towards destroying anything positive I severely doubt this.

I am sure there are many people laughing now and thinking "good riddance".  I don't have much to say to them, other than that you deserve eachother and I hope you are lesser pathetic bastards in your ordinary lives.

Finally I would like to thank everyone who has positively contributed to the Amiga community. Personally I will purshase AmigaOS4 and have an eye out for Amiga software for the intent platform. If I will do reviews is still very uncertain, my good intentions will likely be destroyed by trolls anyway.

Offline magic2002

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Re: Loosing faith in the Amiga "community", like so many before me
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2002, 07:29:50 PM »
I am seriously considering in starting up my own Amiga Company from scratch. The aim will be to get the damn machine back onto its two feet at a decent level in the market. Take Imac`s how the hell did they surrive the pc domminera?
If I can just get the Amiga up to an Imac level in the markets, then I think the Amiga will allways have a stable future it doesnt have to be as powerfull as microsoft they are just money grabbing gits.
I am really getting personaly seriously pissed off with the way and I quote some of the Amiga Community is  treating the Amiga in the Markets.
As I said, my aim if I can ever get an aim (money)
would to get the Amiga at the Imac level in the market and we will be safe as houses.
For now........

Im taking my work back to the underground - its better down there safer.....

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Re: Loosing faith in the Amiga "community", like so many before me
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2002, 07:44:50 PM »
Sorry Mike, but you really bring this on yourself.

You can't go around writing your biased little diatribes on news sites and forums, and expect people to be nice to you.

What Thendic sent you was not FUD :)

The MorphOS team did not threaten you either. You turned a quiet and friendly advice email into a 6-person conversation because you refused to accept that you were in the wrong when you posted so much crap to OSNews. We're all very disappointed that you only changed it to "stop them whining" rather than accepting your bad article as such.

Sorry, again, Mike, but I really am one of those people who am laughing and saying "Good Riddance" - because you've done more harm to the Amiga "community" than you blame others for.

Offline DaveP

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Re: Loosing faith in the Amiga "community", like so many before me
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2002, 08:36:15 PM »
In a less extreme way I kind of agree with Neko here because someone did a good thing with the FAQ and you just tried to rip it apart labelling it biased and containing opinion and misinformation which so far you have been unable to substantiate.

I do not know if English is your first language but I think you have to question how you are translating or interpreting sentences and indeed I question whether you have read the FAQ in full at all.

Sure I think Thendic are a bunch of amateurs too and I do not like their tactics or the way that have conducted themselves on public fora in the past either ( or via email for that matter ) but they have heard what has been said to them and they have quit the political mill for the most part and are playing it straight now ( as far as I can see ).

Until anything is proven in court you have to treat the Amiga Inc version of the truth with the same blunt scepticism you treat the Thendic/BPlan/MorphOS version of the truth - e.g. accept that it may be misinformation. But you don't.

However I do NOT want to see you leave the Amiga community, just take a few weeks off, take a chill pill and come back.

I thought the OSNews article was good but the legality issue as being something that did not need dragging up again but you as writer judged that it should.

On the other hand the amount of flack you got from Thendic and others probably was just as much flack that you gave Digby on ANN over the FUDBUSTER and you expected him/her to take it on the chin - so why not you?

So chill, don't contribute to the brain drain from the Amiga "community" just yet and accept that maybe you are just a little too close to see it straight at the moment.

If you dont like what Im saying Ill freely meet up with you and give you first punch on the jaw if it makes you feel better.
Hate figure. :lol:

Offline MikeBTopic starter

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Re: Loosing faith in the Amiga "community", like so many before me
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2002, 04:03:41 AM »
Matt "Neko" Sealey,

If the Amiga community was like a delicious sweet cake to me. You were like the fatest worm crawling on top, making me loose my appetite. Your continuous swearing and use of abusive language against anyone with a different opinion, IMO makes you a great match for Ralph inside your MorphOS "team".

With regard to the FUD which the managers of Thendic-France sent me, I know *first hand* it was FUD and misinformation.

1) I did NOT ask for it. It was totally unrelated for what I contacted Bill and Raquel for.

2) If you people felt the need to send this crap to me, then I wonder how many people received such crap without knowng *first hand* these were nothing but lies.

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Re: Loosing faith in the Amiga "community", like so many before me
« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2002, 06:51:31 AM »

Matt "Neko" Sealey,

.. as if people didn't know my name already. You are nice to remind them, Mike, or maybe you're just playing the odds of starting a flamewar to hide your own inadequacies, yet again.


If the Amiga community was like a delicious sweet cake to me. You were like the fatest worm crawling on top, making me loose my appetite. Your continuous swearing and use of abusive language against anyone with a different opinion, IMO makes you a great match for Ralph inside your MorphOS "team".

And it's prose like that which means people WILL be saying "good riddance to that two faced son-of-a-bitch". You *CANNOT* go around purporting that you an unbiased journalist with a finger in every pie, and then level accusations on a personal level every time you review a product.

It is certainly a bad idea to say "I like the way MorphOS is progressing!" and then "they stole Amiga intellectual property and at least two of their team members are dicks" in an article, message board forum. Did I call you two-faced yet? And a son-of-a-bitch? Ah, yes, yes I did. Good. Didn't want to miss that.

With regard to the FUD which the managers of Thendic-France sent me, I know *first hand* it was FUD and misinformation.

If it was the "FUD" that I also received, then it was not FUD but a real prepared document - the kind companies make when they are about to be taken into legal action. Of course if you choose not to believe it on the sole basis that it was sent to you "unprovoked", or that you disagree with the company as a whole, then that's fine. But you can't go around writing articles as if you're unbiased when you hold *grudges* against those parties.


1) I did NOT ask for it. It was totally unrelated for what I contacted Bill and Raquel for.

It was relevant to your understanding of the product and company in question, so you didn't go around thinking the #### you think.

Every time you appear online you accuse bPlan, Thendic or MorphOS of theft! This is plainly not true for many many reasons, or simply by misunderstanding or mismarketing my certain parties involved - and certainly even if it wasn't true, to enforce that accusation Amiga would have to initiate court action to actually prove it. Only a judge in a court of law can decide whether there was theft, or so-called parasitic competition, or what have you.

YOU do not decide this. YOU do not friggin' comment about it as if you know. Do you know what a fallacy it is to believe you know all the facts when you are only told one side of the story by a biased individual?

At least with that Thendic "FUD" (I don't see how it can be fear, uncertainty and doubt considering any of it's content though.. but maybe it *should* cast doubts on Amiga's operation and motives..) you got the second side of the story.


2) If you people felt the need to send this crap to me, then I wonder how many people received such crap without knowng *first hand* these were nothing but lies.

Again, more accusations. Do you realise that most of the articles you have created contain legitimate cases of libel against companies? Do you admit that? No. You change it in a subtle way, not because you feel it's the right thing to do, but to stop people moaning at you and so you can carry on posting snidey remarks about companies you have a deep, unsettling, emotional hatred for.

Your gross attachment to Amiga (look at your avatar, for God's sake) makes you the worst choice in the world to be the unbiased voice of the Amiga Community, yet you will run around shouting as if you should be given a medal for it. Since your days on the Team AMIGA mailing list you've been an ass-kisser with a fanatical devotion to Amiga as a brand name - despite your claims to the contrary - and of course Amiga's owners as people. If Fleecy weren't married, I'm certain you'd have been sucking his dick in order to get a free AmigaDE PDA for the "purpose of review"..

Your total lack of any technical knowledge makes you a poor choice for doing so anyway. Reviewing from a user standpoint could well be original but users do not use the full functionality of the product, so how could they give a useful review?

It's quite sickening the amount of technical misinformation and misunderstanding you both spout and stand behind in this places. It makes you look like a retard to everyone who DOES know what they're talking about. Note - Ben Hermans does not know what AmigaOS 4.x is doing, besides what his employees and contractors tell him. He does not have a profound technical knowledge of the issues involved. Why do you believe every word he says about every technical issue he says he's announcing or confirming? Some of them have been blatantly impossible, yet you rallied..

Can't you just admit you're manipulative little no-talent journalist who's trying to bend community opinion behind him to raise his "power level" and surreptitously gain recognition and privileges?

Okay, I could be levelled at that too, I wouldn't mind getting some free toys, but at least I don't run around shouting about how it's "for the good of the community" or "I am unbiased", and at least I can do something for it. I'm not a Vapor or MorphOS team member or a professional in the IT industry with a company car just because I can talk the talk: it's because I can walk the walk, and more importantly, *code the code that needs coding*.

Yep, you're a biased, two-faced, ass-kissing son-of-a-bitch. And everybody thinks so. And if they don't, maybe they should be taking a timeout with you. You can give them a massage :)

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Re: Loosing faith in the Amiga "community", like so many before me
« Reply #6 on: October 13, 2002, 07:29:36 AM »

Wow, you're one angry guy... :pissed:

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Re: Loosing faith in the Amiga "community", like so many before me
« Reply #7 on: October 13, 2002, 07:41:35 AM »
I've read this guy's articles and it isnt right to publish opinon's on things that could be un-true(IE:about morph legit )...until court time comes it's all slander...
If/When a verdict is ruled you can print as much of that as you like...but until then your spreading just as much FUD as the people your angry with..
bieng biased and then saying 'i dont like it when others are biased' is just childish....i hope im a worm in his cake to...because i dont like people who play cry baby when they do the same thing as someone else and cant stand it when they get the same thing done back at them.
basically it all comes down to.

if your gonna talk trash you better have thick enough skin to accept trash bieng talked back... thats basically the long and short of it.
some people cant do that...and they wind up crying about it to others as if their the innocent little victim in the situation.

heheheheheheheheheheheheh :P you are angry but the world needs more angry people.

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Re: Loosing faith in the Amiga "community", like so many before me
« Reply #8 on: October 13, 2002, 07:58:49 AM »

Sounds a bit like you fancy Matt to me. ;-)
Hate figure. :lol:

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Re: Loosing faith in the Amiga "community", like so many before me
« Reply #9 on: October 13, 2002, 08:03:43 AM »
ahhh he's a prick...but he's funny...that was funny at least.
first time i've seen him emerge from whever he's been in a long time.
last time i saw him was on arcnet calling me a SOB for one reason or another.

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Re: Loosing faith in the Amiga "community", like so many before me
« Reply #10 on: October 13, 2002, 08:18:16 AM »
If Fleecy weren't married, I'm certain you'd have been sucking his dick in order to get a free AmigaDE PDA for the "purpose of review"..

Amigans line up for the real amiga experience  :-D  :-D


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Re: Loosing faith in the Amiga "community", like so many before me
« Reply #11 on: October 13, 2002, 08:22:26 AM »
Yes MikeB you are right. The community a vocaled by so many assholes that it is starting (And has been for the last 2 years) to hold no interrest at all to me as well. The Amiga was once to me about the community, the good creative people. But there are very few such people left.  Atleast looking at the people posting at Amiga.org, Ann and Moo Bunny. It's a shame that it has fallen down into this stench hole.  The assholes will make it fall down on itself, with small groups holding each others backs, biting everyone else outside as often as they can. And sad enough, that is perhaps exacly what the assholes want. And those who don't will never understand that it's not about what AInc, Thendic, Hyperion, H&P etc etc has done or is doing, but how they themselves are acting.

Ohh well, why stand by a rotten corpse. Perhaps there are other communities out there that is about fun and creativity and not about what they hate.


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Re: Loosing faith in the Amiga "community", like so many before me
« Reply #12 on: October 13, 2002, 08:34:04 AM »
Amigans line up for the real amiga experience


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Re: Loosing faith in the Amiga "community", like so many before me
« Reply #13 on: October 13, 2002, 08:42:02 AM »

Now that I can agree with entirely.
Hate figure. :lol:

Offline MikeBTopic starter

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Re: Loosing faith in the Amiga "community", like so many before me
« Reply #14 on: October 13, 2002, 09:49:33 AM »
> You *CANNOT* go around purporting that you an
> unbiased journalist with a finger in every pie

I am not a Journalist, never have been, I am a Physical Therapist who also happens to be an AmigaOS fan. (Sometimes I like to code, but in general I think it is dead boring!) At OSNews.com everyone knows this.

> "they stole Amiga intellectual property and at least
> two of their team members are dicks"

Although I haven't said that anywhere, it isn't that far from the truth as how I perceive this personally (Due to factors totally unrelated to Amiga Inc). I hope you guys can sleep at night, maybe that's a reason for the behaviour of certain MorphOS "Team" members.

> But you can't go around writing articles as if you're
> unbiased when you hold *grudges* against those
> parties.

There was no grudge when I wrote that article. I was requesting information from certain involved people, but did not get any information with regard to the issue you are so hung up on (access to AmigaOS source code), regardless of several requests.

> Every time you appear online you accuse bPlan,
> Thendic or MorphOS of theft!

Point me to *one* good  instance where I did!

> It was relevant to your understanding of the
> product and company in question

It did not have any relevance. Thendic-France wanted to have a biased Journalist to their advantage, nothing more and nothing less.

> Do you realise that most of the articles you have
> created contain legitimate cases of libel against
> companies?

Point these articles to me then.
Was it my AmigaOS XL review?, Closer look at new Amiga Systems? or maybe my WinUAE tutorial?

Personally I can point to *thousands* of your postings containing real FUD and misinformation! Hypocrite!

> Since your days on the Team AMIGA mailing list

BTW, never been on the Team AMIGA mailing list before.