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Author Topic: Help with booting the A3000 to WB 1.3?  (Read 3471 times)


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Offline patrik

Re: Help with booting the A3000 to WB 1.3?
« on: October 20, 2022, 11:07:18 PM »
Did this today with help of the makefiles tool found in the Tools drawer on the A3000 install disk:

8.Ram Disk:Tools> makefiles df0: 1.3 kick13-a3000
Insert SuperKickstart Disk in drive DF0: and press RETURN

Reading Header...done.
Reading 1.3 kickstart...done.
Writing 1.3 kickstart...done.
Reading Bonus1.3...done.
Writing Bonus1.3...done.

I had extracted the install disk adf straight to ram:, that’s why the path looks funny.

Offline patrik

Re: Help with booting the A3000 to WB 1.3?
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2023, 09:40:06 PM »
Found some more details about why both MakeFiles and ExtractKickstart is referenced in this context:
The MakeFiles ommand is not only present on the A3000 Install disk, but also on the Workbench 2.1 Install disk. On the Workbench 3.1 Install disk however, there is instead ExtractKickstart:

8.Ram Disk:> version full Install2.1:C/MakeFiles
Could not find version information for 'Install2.1:C/MakeFiles'
8.Ram Disk:> Install2.1:C/MakeFiles ?
Usage: Makefiles dfx: 1.3|2.0 filename

8.Ram Disk:> version full Install3.1:C/ExtractKickstart 
extractkickstart 39.3 (1992-08-05)
8.Ram Disk:> Install3.1:C/ExtractKickstart ?

MakeFiles usage examples:
8.Ram Disk:> Install2.1:C/MakeFiles df0: 1.3 ram:kick1.3-using-MakeFiles
Insert SuperKickstart Disk in drive DF0: and press RETURN

Reading Header...done.
Reading 1.3 kickstart...done.
Writing 1.3 kickstart...done.
Reading Bonus1.3...done.
Writing Bonus1.3...done.
8.Ram Disk:> Install2.1:C/MakeFiles df0: 2.0 ram:kick2.0-using-MakeFiles
Insert SuperKickstart Disk in drive DF0: and press RETURN

Reading Header...done.
Reading 2.0 kickstart...done.
Writing 2.0 kickstart...done.
Reading 2.0 kickstart...done.
Writing 2.0 kickstart...done.
Reading Bonus2.0...done.
Writing Bonus2.0...done.

ExtractKickstart usage examples:
8.Ram Disk:> Install3.1:C/ExtractKickstart df0: ram:kick1.3-using-ExtractKickstart 1.3
8.Ram Disk:> Install3.1:C/ExtractKickstart df0: ram:kick2.0-using-ExtractKickstart

Not surprisingly, they produce the same kickstart files:
8.Ram Disk:> md5sum ram:kick#?
1978eb9ac6fffb23c428a9502b71cf3b  ram:kick2.0-using-ExtractKickstart
565f257f36f7e81ecb5e2aaf03d66953  ram:kick1.3-using-ExtractKickstart
1978eb9ac6fffb23c428a9502b71cf3b  ram:kick2.0-using-MakeFiles
565f257f36f7e81ecb5e2aaf03d66953  ram:kick1.3-using-MakeFiles

MakeFiles is actually somewhat more user friendly, as you can start it from the install disk in df0:, then swap in the SuperKickstart disk in df0: when it prompts for it. This is not possible with ExtractKickstart, it requires the SuperKickstart disk to already be in the drive you specify to it on the command line.