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Author Topic: To make a custom Amithlon boot CD?  (Read 1523 times)


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To make a custom Amithlon boot CD?
« on: June 25, 2003, 01:42:29 AM »
I was going to try this first, but thought to ask,

Is it possible to copy the AmigaOSXL disc with personal
custom paramaters such as:

1. Eliminate all the AmigaXL stuff to make room on the CDRW,

2. Have your graphics and other drivers loaded,

3. Include your own S & C etc dirs for all the gfx goodies such as
Birdie, Visual prefs, MUI, AIAB etc etc..

4. Including Internet Software?

5. Copy the CDRW to CDR,

6. Boot Amithlon from the CDR into a much more usable interface
before configuring a new partition or harddrive? (I am not seeking
advice on bootloaders, partition managers or how-to's on this part)

Hmm, maybe I should ask Bernie, but I don't want to sound too
stupid, so I thought I'd ask my stupid, oops, I mean GENIUS
fellow AORG members?  Feel to call ME stupid, but I live on
a mountain on a pimple in the middle of the deep blue sea in
a state that has no more Amiga users, so what are the obstacle(s)
to making a cool personal CD like this?
  Lopaka Pakalolo

PS, I am pretty much Linux brain dead too, I used AOS from 1985,
had windows shoved down my throat in '96 and I am still gagging,
although MS is slowly pulling out the rag(s)  I coulda cried when
I came off the Amithlon political hassel, thought it was the answer
to all my MS shortcomings.  So, apologies for the long post, feel
free to flame or point out ONCE AGAIN why Amithlon is DeadsVille,
its ok and .. "HONEY! where are you going with my bottle of JD?
'scuse me folks I gotta go!"

)*(%#@!^(  *burp*
[color=0000CC]GVP 060 @50 Pwr Twr [/color][color=FF0000]AMD_Amithlon_UAE[/color]