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JoyRide (see Aminet) could be part of the solution. IIRC it generates input events for joystick input, and maybe they could be remapped to existing or new keyboard shortcuts. That would be enough to assign specific actions to joystick buttons and directions, or do you want to navigate around the UI with the joystick?
Exactly how i have done it numerous times.
I have downloaded a few times and configured differnlty the wifipi.device and always a failure.
Wirelessmanager doesnt see it as afile, project or tool.
3.2 system or Caffeine same results ad infinitum.

One time, briefly on caffeine some activity happened when i executed wirelessmanager wifipi.device
Started getting data briefly, never to be recreated again.

Why do I continue? I probably will never use my system for going online anyways.

Some idiot fumbling around for 7 and a half minutes trying to do it from memory on a fresh CaffeineOS 916 install... maybe you'll spot something you did differently...?

PiStorm32 Lite, RPi3B
I have a couple problems using Amiga BASIC.

One problem is, when you save a basic program to a floppy.  in the file's Info.. it says the deafult tool is :AmigaBASIC.     the problem there is if you double click on the icon for the program in the floppiy's window, it seems to try to find AmigaBASIC on the floppy... in my case it's on the hard drive in SYS:
So is there a way to solve this?  What I've been doing is changing the info so that the default tool is SYS:AmigaBASIC...

Another seems to be the opposite problem... once the program is loaded into AmigaBASIC, if the program tries to open a file by just giving a file name, for example ...OPEN "foo.txt" FOR INPUT AS #1...   it can't find foo.txt, even though it resides on the floppy that the program was loaded from. I can fix that by specifying the floppy drive as "DF0:foo.txt"   but I'd like to make my program more generic than that since I can't predict which floppy drive, or hard drive a user will use to load my program.

It seems both problems are related to what the drive defaults are...
Fake input events could be generated as required, so certainly it is something that is supported by the OS.
I've used DiskMonTools to repair FFS partitions over 4GB. It takes ages. For under 4GB I use the old Haynie classic DiskSalv!

The new DiskDoctor cannot repair, it only rescues files to another storage medium.

Your best bet is to backup all files, format the partition and restore the backup.
Does it really? I own both 3.1.4 and 3.2, but will they be ok repairing a FFS of 3.9?

It might do 🤷🏻‍♂️ Might be worth updating the FFS first to 3.2.2. But as I have mentioned before. Backup the partition first before you try it.

Failing that. Backup the partition data by using Dopus or copy command to another media. Then perhaps try HDToolBox and reseting the partition and re-formatting. Then copy back the data.

I prefer to use PFS3AIO to FFS as it’s quicker and there are plenty of fix tools out there for it.
Amiga/MorphOS/AROS Programmers Forum / Re: CGX v4 Supergels Bug
« Last post by teslamaitre on May 10, 2024, 11:08:36 AM »
Thanks Boing Ball for your return.

Tried everything, read everything I could find online.
Amiga OS version with a Raspberry Pi 3A+ on a A1200
I also upgraded P96 V2.0 from aminet to P96 V3.4.1 from Icomp.

I am using Emu68 1.0.1 (25.03.2024). git:98b83c7
On the screen connected via HDMI, a fine picture appears with "68 PISTORM"

But when I press "Emu68-VC4" under Storage -> Monitors the following error appears.

Software Failure
Program failed (error #80000008).
Wait for disk activity to finisk.

Have checked whether there was anything strange via SnoopDos, but here everything is OK until the above error appears.

Hope someone can show me how to solve this problem.
Just an extra bit of info, wifipi works with wap2 without problems.

I went back and forth until I got to Emu68-tools-20240421-a8ca6b.zip
Here #80000008 disappeared and I now have a picture via HDMI
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